I've wanted to do this soooooo many times!!
1/5/11 6:46 p.m.
9mm to back of the head. No need to make a statement, just eliminate the problem. No witnesses. I have been tempted a few times but remain innocent.
As the father of a now teenage daughter, I wholeheartedly support this action. I disagree with the attempted murder charge too - he didn't intend to kill the perv, just stop him from dating his daughter.
1/5/11 7:03 p.m.
As another father of a teenage daughter, I feel that it was adequate punishment...but I would have at least poured some alcohol on his severed genitals to prevent infection.
pigeon wrote:
As the father of a now teenage daughter, I wholeheartedly support this action. I disagree with the attempted murder charge too - he didn't intend to kill the perv, just stop him from dating his daughter.
You're a lawyer too right?
I probably would have cauterized the wound...
There was a discussion about this news item on another board, where it was pointed out the age of consent in Germany is 14. I don't agree with a man that age consorting with a 17 year old either, but apparently based on the local laws it's not a crime.
doesn't matter whether it's a crime or not...... at least not in this case....
he may have had the right to do what he was doing... but sometimes being in the right just isn't enough......
Heh, funny... here in America when a girl just a year older dates an old man we call her a gold-digger.
1/5/11 7:31 p.m.
I'm ok with the attempted murder charge. Maybe the father should have looked at his own child rearing innabilities as to why his daughter was messing with a 57 year old.
(Runs out the door)
Maroon92 wrote:
I probably would have cauterized the wound...
prior to removing the offending member
He should have clamped them in a vice. Then he would only be facing assault charges rather than attempted murder.
You know, maybe I've been doing it wrong this whole time, but I fail to see how removing testicles would prevent canoodling.
maybe this dude should have given his kid attention when she was small....
Instead of this craziness where she runs to find someone daddies age to give her that "attention"
Osterkraut wrote:
You know, maybe I've been doing it wrong this whole time, but I fail to see how removing testicles would prevent canoodling.
Well it certainly would remove his desire to canoodle
Yep. That's why some places castrate/ have castrated their prisoners. Makes them less aggressive/ less canoodlely.
The "Victim" should be grateful that he only lost 2/3 of his junk... and wasn't fed that 2/3!
I don't see anybody criticizing Hugh Hefner when he does it by an even greater margin - oh, wait, he's got loads of cash and most people are jealous of him. 
Wait. A. Minute. He had to touch this guys junk to castrate him. He is gay.
Maybe daddy was so good at rearing his daughter she wanted to find a daddy figure.
Dude! He wants to rear your child!
The dad shouldve instilled a stronger moral compass in his promiscuous daughter...Im just saying...and Im not running and hiding. The same guys saying they wouldve done this or that to the guy are the same guys who had to squeegee their desktop when the hotlink thread had that 19yo pole vaulter. Internet tough guys sound like tools.