In reply to Dr. Hess :
I never had anyone get offended when I wished them a merry Christmas, although I did have an old dude go all snowflake on me when I wished him a happy holidays. He said “you know it’s ok to wish me a merry Christmas”! I think I replied something about how he wasn’t doing anything to make me think he was a Christian, so...
I'm offended that a bunch of snowflakes are getting butt hurt about snowflakes being offended and butt hurt. You two groups are no different, yet you can't see it.
We have a guy at work, who’s always getting worked up about “snowflake millennials” and all that. All the other fairly conservative guys laugh and tell him he’s just as bad of a snowflake as the snowflakes he hates
12/24/18 6:21 a.m.
joey48442 said:
In reply to Dr. Hess :
I never had anyone get offended when I wished them a merry Christmas, although I did have an old dude go all snowflake on me when I wished him a happy holidays. He said “you know it’s ok to wish me a merry Christmas”! I think I replied something about how he wasn’t doing anything to make me think he was a Christian, so...
Best. Reply. Ever.
'Tis the "holiday" season. I guess we can just ignore the existence of Jews, Atheists, Buddhists and Islam-ists (oh, and Wiccans...can't forget those fun-loving folks) to keep the Christians happy while they celebrate the winter solstice. Happy Holidays everyone.

I have a RIGHT to be BUTT HURT, and... lemme think, ahh, free healthcare, yeah, that's it, BUTT HURT and FREE HEALTHCARE. And $15 an hour for breathing, with supervision. Yeah, and I am OFFENDED that, I can't remember, but I'm OFFENDED. Yeah, that's it.
Merry Christmas... that’s all
Dr. Hess said:
I have a RIGHT to be BUTT HURT, and... lemme think, ahh, free healthcare, yeah, that's it, BUTT HURT and FREE HEALTHCARE. And $15 an hour for breathing, with supervision. Yeah, and I am OFFENDED that, I can't remember, but I'm OFFENDED. Yeah, that's it.
You've got every right to think and say what you want. You can even go off the rails on your crazy train- which you're doing right now.
dculberson said:
In reply to z31maniac :
Now standing up for what you believe in is “virtue signaling?” Nice. Maybe you’ll grin and bear it when a friend makes a racist joke at a party but I’m the type to politely tell them I’m not comfortable with that and why. Key “politely,” something lacking from your and Dr hess’s not so friendly replies. And I have no idea what my frankly level headed and reasonable replies have to do with the crazies at PETA.
Sorry again Caffeine, I’ll try to stop crapping up your thread now.
This is fantastic, you now assume I would be okay with racist comments, because I said people will be offended by anything.
Thanks for proving my point about virtue signaling.
Caffeine, glad they figured it out and you're on the mend!
This thread just proves, we all need the Motorsports and Garage time.
Because apparently, myself included, we get all bitchy and snarky.
Happy Holidays everyone, I truly hope you and yours have a great one!
ddavidv said:
'Tis the "holiday" season. I guess we can just ignore the existence of Jews, Atheists, Buddhists and Islam-ists (oh, and Wiccans...can't forget those fun-loving folks) to keep the Christians happy while they celebrate the winter solstice. Happy Holidays everyone.
Well, to be fair most Atheists (in the US) are probably celebrating Christmas anyway :P
Brett_Murphy said:
You've got every right to think and say what you want. You can even go off the rails on your crazy train- which you're doing right now.
I'm trying to ignore him.. and he's just proving a lot about himself instead of making any insightful commentary he might be thinking.
z31maniac said:
dculberson said:
In reply to z31maniac :
Now standing up for what you believe in is “virtue signaling?” Nice. Maybe you’ll grin and bear it when a friend makes a racist joke at a party but I’m the type to politely tell them I’m not comfortable with that and why. Key “politely,” something lacking from your and Dr hess’s not so friendly replies. And I have no idea what my frankly level headed and reasonable replies have to do with the crazies at PETA.
Sorry again Caffeine, I’ll try to stop crapping up your thread now.
This is fantastic, you now assume I would be okay with racist comments, because I said people will be offended by anything.
Thanks for proving my point about virtue signaling.
Caffeine, glad they figured it out and you're on the mend!
I am trying to let this die, I really am. I apologize for saying you'd give racist comments a pass. Maybe you didn't see the comment I responded to as sexist, I did. So I said something. If I was wrong, then maybe talk to me about why instead of belittling me. I'm not offended by "anything," but I do have standards. I think everyone should. And if someone does say something is wrong I try to listen to them instead of make flippant or mocking comments about them. I didn't exactly feel engaged with as a person by your comments, instead mocked as some delicate outsider, which I can assure you I am not.
I still think you're way off base on the virtue signaling thing, but you seem to be enamored with that phrase so I'll drop it.
its christmas eve.. lets all hug..

I as a broke millennial approve of all you old bitches 
dculberson said:
Brett_Murphy said:
You've got every right to think and say what you want. You can even go off the rails on your crazy train- which you're doing right now.
I'm trying to ignore him.. and he's just proving a lot about himself instead of making any insightful commentary he might be thinking.
Now I'm Butt Hurt and Offended.
In reply to Dr. Hess :
better your butt than my knee.
This thread is proof that the GRM family is just like a real, albeit disfunctional family. We are all gathered around the table and the conversation started innocently enough.
Now, after the eggnog has started flowing, your one uncle has taken his shirt off and has challenged everyone to a wrestling match, screaming "LEROY JENKINS!" and has knocked over the tree while trying to suplex your father-in-law.
And I wouldn't have it any other way 
Yeah, hope your knee gets to feeling better too, Iggy. Hopefully at least one of the doctors gave you something to take the edge off of that. Tough call. Really don't want to give you anything that might suppress a cough, as you need that to get the crap out of your lung. Narcotics are great for suppressing coughs.
12/24/18 3:17 p.m.
In reply to stanger_missle :
Lol. I need to watch Leeeeeroy JENKins!!!!! It's been too long.
Merry Christmas to my wonderful Grassroots family from an agnostic whose entire face to face family celebrates the heck out of all the commercialized goodness this holiday can bring. Happy ChristmaHannukKwanza to anyone who is celebrating something else or would just rather I not say Merry Christmas. Get Well soon FBC. I'm glad they found a cause for what ails you and have you on the mend.
dculberson said:
z31maniac said:
dculberson said:
In reply to z31maniac :
Now standing up for what you believe in is “virtue signaling?” Nice. Maybe you’ll grin and bear it when a friend makes a racist joke at a party but I’m the type to politely tell them I’m not comfortable with that and why. Key “politely,” something lacking from your and Dr hess’s not so friendly replies. And I have no idea what my frankly level headed and reasonable replies have to do with the crazies at PETA.
Sorry again Caffeine, I’ll try to stop crapping up your thread now.
This is fantastic, you now assume I would be okay with racist comments, because I said people will be offended by anything.
Thanks for proving my point about virtue signaling.
Caffeine, glad they figured it out and you're on the mend!
I am trying to let this die, I really am. I apologize for saying you'd give racist comments a pass. Maybe you didn't see the comment I responded to as sexist, I did. So I said something. If I was wrong, then maybe talk to me about why instead of belittling me. I'm not offended by "anything," but I do have standards. I think everyone should. And if someone does say something is wrong I try to listen to them instead of make flippant or mocking comments about them. I didn't exactly feel engaged with as a person by your comments, instead mocked as some delicate outsider, which I can assure you I am not.
I still think you're way off base on the virtue signaling thing, but you seem to be enamored with that phrase so I'll drop it.
I was a jerk, please let me know if you received my message.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!