16vCorey wrote:
Fletch1 wrote:
I just hit 7 months and still in the learning process. I'm trying to be a quick learner. Boy those pms days are rough. Hang in there.
Word. My GF is awesome, but MY GOD some of the pms days I want to leave town and never come back.
Have I mentioned you need to marry her, BTW. Say the word and I'll get one o' them online minsterin' licenses. Gateway Grand Gazebo followed by El Presidente FTMFW!!!
What you will learn is that women have PMS, MS and Post-MS...giving a one-week window per month of civility and rationality.
minimac wrote:
It could be worse- you could be the one looking forward to those days for forty years of your life. On a brighter note, enjoy the PMS days. You think that's bad, wait 'til mentalpause.
QFT. Menopause is like if you took the worst of the PMS days, multiplied it by 10, then it was like that every day for about 5-10 years. Pure living hell, and the women have a bad time of it too.
There is hope, though, for both PMS or whatever the "hip" current PC acronym is, and menopause, and it is Vitamin Z, off label, I believe, unless they finally added that use. The problem is getting them to take it. It is all, of course, your fault, or will be SOON.
Ian F
1/28/11 2:11 p.m.
The best cure I've found for PMS?
Separate houses.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
Ah, I've heard about those days. I can't wait. My poor father-in-law is dealing with that. Hot flashes,etc. Needless to say, he spends about 90% of his time away from work in his pole barn...which he just had a wood burning stove installed before winter....for those COLD,COLD days. In our search for our first house this year, I will try to find one with a pole building already there...or make sure there is enough land to build one. I also hope my wife is alot like her mom and would rather me be out in the garage than in the house. That would work for me.
poopshovel wrote:
16vCorey wrote:
Fletch1 wrote:
I just hit 7 months and still in the learning process. I'm trying to be a quick learner. Boy those pms days are rough. Hang in there.
Word. My GF is awesome, but MY GOD some of the pms days I want to leave town and never come back.
Have I mentioned you need to marry her, BTW. Say the word and I'll get one o' them online minsterin' licenses. Gateway Grand Gazebo followed by El Presidente FTMFW!!!
Haha! That's fine, as long as she doesn't receive the email under the same circumstances. Even she knows she's impossible to deal with once a month or so.
I'd be cool with the gazebo and El Presidente, but she's a little more traditional.
Ian F
1/28/11 2:19 p.m.
I'm dreading menopause w/ my g/f...
The annoying part is women handle it differently. I remember the last time we had this discussion and it sort of confused me as I never remember my mother going through such mood swings. So some months ago, I asked her about it. She basically said, yes - she got PMS, but she never thought it was something worth making a fuss over. Her mother was the same way. My grandmother was fairly old when she had my mother (40) so my mother was around during menopause, but she has no real memory of it because my grandmother was not the type to let such things be a bother.
1/28/11 2:26 p.m.
Wifey went through "The Change" a couple of years ago. For us, it was no big deal. Some minor discomfort, occasional crankiness, but I never had to run and hide. Just lucky for both of us, I guess. Lot's easier to deal with than the monthly curse.
poopshovel wrote:
My GF is awesome
Have I mentioned you need to marry her
Just because a little of something is good does not mean a whole berkeleyload of it is better.
After 15yrs... I'd still like to date my wife about 2 or 3 days a week but, seriously, this 24/7/365 E36 M3 is insane. If you asked her, she would probably agree (except maybe 2 to 3 times a month :P)
One secret to a happy marriage is to regularly enjoy a quiet, leisurely restaurant dinner and a nice bottle of wine.
She can go every Tuesday. His turn is on Fridays. 
C'mon, is it that bad?
You guys are crying like little girls but I don't hear any luggage opening. You bitch and complain about women but who asked whom to marry?
STFU, you lost your case. Sex by yourself ain't even half as much fun.
I've been with the same girl for 30+ years. Yeah there have been moments, but the number of fights with yelling and stuff can be counted on one hand.
I have cars, hang gliding, now sailplaning and other goofy hobbies; she has her whatevers and circle of friends, but we both have a better time together than alone. That's why you spend your life with someone. That's why you get married.
Call me old fashioned, old or stupid, but I'm having a good time.
My condolences to you poor bastards posting the previous two pages. 
914Driver wrote:
C'mon, is it that bad?
You guys are crying like little girls but I don't hear any luggage opening. You bitch and complain about women but who asked whom to marry?
STFU, you lost your case. Sex by yourself ain't even half as much fun.
I've been with the same girl for 30+ years. Yeah there have been moments, but the number of fights with yelling and stuff can be counted on one hand.
I have cars, hang gliding, now sailplaning and other goofy hobbies; she has her whatevers and circle of friends, but we both have a better time together than alone. That's why you spend your life with someone. That's why you get married.
Call me old fashioned, old or stupid, but I'm having a good time.
My condolences to you poor bastards posting the previous two pages.
I was gonna post something similar, but the OP got all sandyvag when someone was happy, so I just posted a funny song instead.
Dave, the wife looking over your shoulder?
Nah, I really am a fan of her.
In reply to 914Driver:
I will say amen to that. As I said before, I'm only 7 months in but I know I'm blessed with the one I have. The good always outweigh the bad. And congrats of 30 years.
Its only been 2 years, but any woman that can live with me, let me get away with so much, still do as much car stuff as before marriage and even increase what all I do, and comes to the shop to wrench with me sometimes.
PFFT , yea....... :)
1/28/11 6:45 p.m.
All girlfriends are different
All wives are the same
We get into some knock-down, drag-out fights sometimes, but she's a damn good woman who takes very good care of me.
My parents thank her on a near daily basis for putting up with me.
She's pretty easy on the eyes too.....

Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
A woman awoke during the night to find that her husband was not in bed. She put on her robe and went downstairs. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him. He appeared to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. She saw him wipe a tear from his eye and take a sip of his coffee.
"What's the matter dear? Why are you down here at this time of night?" she asked.
"Do you remember twenty years ago when we were dating and you were only 16?" he asked.
"Yes, I do," she replied.
"Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car making out?"
"Yes, I remember."
"Do you remember when he shoved that shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter or spend twenty years in jail?'"
"Yes, I do," she said.
He wiped another tear from his cheek and said, "You know...I would have gotten out today."
The 4 stages of sex in a marriage:
1) Car sex. That's where you'll have sex anywhere, even the car.
2) Kitchen sex. That's where you don't use the car any more, but every room in the house is fair game including the kitchen.
3) Bedroom sex. That's where the only sex is in the bedroom, and that fairly infrequently.
4) Hallway sex. That's where you pass each other in the hall and holler 'berkeley YOU!'.

A woman goes looking for an anniversary present for her husband and just can't find a thing. So she winds up in a pet shop, tells the owner her plight and he says 'I have just the thing', brings out a bullfrog. She says 'Just what good is that?' and the guy says 'This frog performs oral sex'. She thinks this is complete BS but figures what the heck, it's good for a joke and buys the frog.
That night she gives the frog to her husband, who just looks at it and says 'What's this all about?'. She tells him what the pet store owner said and they both have a good laugh. Later, they go to bed.
About 2:30 AM she is awakened by all kinds of crashing and banging noises from the kitchen, she grabs her robe and runs to the source of the noise. There she finds her husband and the frog reading a cookbook with pots and pans strewn everywhere. She hollers 'What are you DOING?' and the husband says, "When this frog learns to cook, you are out of here!'.

All I can say is I have 25 cars and she knows......
All I can say is it ain't that bad most of the time though I know where you are coming from. We are coming up on 25 years this year. We have had some ups that were way up there and some downs that were the basement of hell. She will be the first to tell you I can be an ass. She loves the toys as much as I do and we have fun together. I'm kind of looking forward to the next 25.
Fletch1 wrote:
I just hit 7 months and still in the learning process. I'm trying to be a quick learner. Boy those pms days are rough. Hang in there.
Fugeddabouddit. You will NEVER learn. 
Fletch1 wrote:
I just hit 7 months and still in the learning process.
LOL. They call that "training". Be bad at it if you don't want to be wearin' a skirt on your first anniversary