The weird things you run across on FB...
8 lanes wide
Requires 25' x 50' or 1,250 sq ft of floor space so it might not fit in your basement!
Price not given but there is an air of desperation in the ad that implies they might just like to see it leave.
For scale, there are two people in this photo

Seems to have been some past Ford promotional item.

3/17/22 9:01 a.m.
That reminds me of the shop my dad took me to in the late 70s that had 2-3 tracks that size and a small HO track. I raced my 1/32 Womp Womp car and he had a 1/24th thing that flew like the damn wind.
Yeah, might not fit my basement.
3/17/22 11:06 a.m.
But I can't afford to buy a larger house in this market!
Wow... I can't tell if the cars are 1/32 or 1/24... but maybe the track can run both?
Even if I covered my entire back yard, this track would be too big. 
3/17/22 11:24 a.m.
I've been kicked off that racetrack before. It was at an auto show or something, and the one rule was, don't wad up the car. Yeah no one in my group made it past turn1.
3/17/22 12:45 p.m.
Wow. That would be a neat piece of history to get and play with.
The layout and size look very similar to the track at Tom Thumb Hobbies/ Raceway on Columbus, Ohio's west side.
3/17/22 1:31 p.m.
I want that in the mancavern I don't have
3/17/22 1:36 p.m.
Didn't the GRM staff want ideas for other events at the challenge? A major slot car track would be a hoot. Make it a $20 limit instead of $2000. Think of matching livery, it would be glorious.