I am in the same question line.
I graduated a year ago with my BS Engineering / Materials Science.
Stayed on with university research internship that payed almost nothing till August and have been job hunting since.
With constantly applying to jobs since August, I have only had ONE interview in all this time. (didnt fit me/ didnt work out)
Right now I have no debt and if I want to, I have available funding to go back to school. Only problem on this is that I turn 27 in a week and to this point I have never made more than a pittance in a year so far in my life (well below poverty). To me this is unacceptable and I need to get my ass working. Only, I cant seem to get anywhere job hunting.
I am trying to figure out what to do.
1) Keep job hunting, hope something works out in the next 6 months or so.
2)Go back for MS in Materials Science, my grades were not spectacular (3.05gpa), but I have over 2 years research exerience in Nanowire synth with 4 papers published. (would probably take 3 years)
3) Go back for online MS engineering management degree AND keep job hunting. (18months) (eyeballing Ohio-U's program, also thinking about an MBA in this option and and either/or)
I have to admit that I am leaning towards 1 or 3, mostly because of how I feel about work / my life so far and just being intimidated by 2. My upper level math grades left a good bit to be desired.
Have to say that my GF, who has her masters in History is getting on my case for being intimidated by 2. I just dont know at this point. If I did that things would be rather rough money-wise for the next several years. I am planning to propose before too long and she already has ~$70k in school debt. I know that 3 is a good intermediate middle ground expense-wise that also advances my options.
Right now I am pulling my hair out. If Nothing happens on the job front in the next 6 months its going to get really really tough. 
real left field.. the professor I interned for kept getting on me to get my PHD. (different institution, he couldnt open doors as that university didnt have a grad engineering program) I REALLY dont know about that.