I don't do this. Evar. I'm doing it now. My super awesome neice, who is really smart, kind, courteous, generally awesome, etc., is also a softball phenom. Her team has won the Southeastern Championship, and is headed to the championships in Washington State (from Tampa FL) next week.
Seriously. I don't do this. If her Mom was a crackhead dying from cancer, or she was a girlscout with cookies to sell, or a Somalian...Somalian, I wouldn't ask, but this is a chance for her to go compete with the best in the country at what she likes to do. A proverbial $2011 softball challenge. I think it's really important for kids to be involved in competitive 'stuff' whether it's automobile-centric or not, and I want her to go, and I want to help.
I'll gladly shave my head for a $20 donation, shave my nethers for a $50 donation, and light myself, or someone else of your choosing on fire, at the challenge for a $1,000 donation.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Info. on the 2011 junior softball world series is here:
And if this is an "out of line" request, PLEASE delete with no hard feelings on this end.
Paypal is highcountry AT tds DOT N-E-T. Include an address, name, etc., with donation, and maybe something wicked and hongnorious will end up on your doorstep.
They're headed out a week from today, so seriously, DON'T send money after this Friday.
Thanks dudes & chicks!!!
Uncle Mike