You've probably heard about the "no-go zones" that supposedly exist in France. Turns out they don't exist at all and the mayor of Paris is piiiissseeed!
Legal experts think the suit is unlikely to go anywhere for a multitude of good legal reasons. Bill O'Reilly thinks the suit is unlikely to go anywhere because it would be filed by a socialist and because it is clearly impossible to see Fox News in France.
1/22/15 9:34 a.m.
I don't know, that one could be libel/slander. Hard to prove damages, but I would think there is some case there. And I don't blame the mayor at all in this one.
EDIT: Yeah, I'm going on the political side. It seems to me that the biggest perpetrator of these thoughts in the US, that isn't a news outlet, is Bobby Jindal. That is upsetting to me, because I always liked the guy. But one of his comments really stands out:
Bobby Jindal said:
"They're actually going in there to colonize, to overtake the culture. That's what's going to happen in America if we're not careful."
What the hell is he talking about? Why is that a problem? It happens all the time in the US, and has been since the start of the country! Has he never heard of Chinatown and Little Italy in New York? Or Ukranian Village and Greek Town in Chicago? My grandpa's old neighborhood in Chicago was all Catholic and mostly Polish or German. That is what happens, and frankly, I'm ok with it. It gives me different cultures to visit within one general area.
Media on trial will make for more media.
I suspect that Fox will fan the flames of this non-stop and any time they need filler for the 24hrs a day that they have to fill.
Ohhhh, news incest!
Well.... Europe in general does NOT have free speech. Not sure how they will impose any penalty on Fox (maybe restrict them from reporting in France?). They recently arrested a comedian for anti-Semitic jokes. (As someone else said, you would hope the lack of people going to his shows would control that)
The source of the no-go zones appears to be an online "news" source. It may have developed from the fact that France calls these ethnic areas Ethnically Sensitive Areas (or something like that) and a mis-translation (lazy stupidity, or even just trying to create drama) created the new phrase. As noted in another thread, those areas are mostly lower income immigrants which of course will make them a bit "rougher" then other areas (think slums in the US, which of course many will avoid if they can)
Regarding Jindal. When these things happen, you can either back off and admit a mistake, or.... double down on stupid.
aircooled wrote:
Well.... Europe in general does NOT have free speech.
Actually, France does (one of the reasons that Charlie Hebdo can even exist there - given that their mission is/was to basically piss off and make fun of everybody), Germany does, too, but in true German fashion, with lots of footnotes.
Actually the one main standout in Europe that doesn't have any sort of free speech protection is the one without a written constitution...
If they're smart, they'll sue Faux News in London, which has about the most generous libel laws in the whole world, but I doubt they'll do that. Given how often that "news" station has been caught with its pants down when it came to reporting about how muslims are taking over all of Europe, turning Birmingham into a Muslim state and stuff to that effect, they don't need any "online news sources" to basically make E36 M3 up.
BoxheadTim wrote:
Actually, France does (one of the reasons that Charlie Hebdo can even exist there...
That may be what they call it, but I think its a bit different then what we think of it in the US:
French Ambassador said:
"That's a debate that we have had with our American friends for some time, because of your First Amendment.
"For a long time, for instance, we have a debate on the Internet, because you accept on the Internet that you could have hate speech ... while it's forbidden in France.
"In France, the speech is free, but [not] if it could lead either to a crime, or if it could be seen as libel. But this is of course under the control of the judge. It's for the judge to decide whether the red lines have been crossed."
The entire nation of France is a "no-go zone" for me.