What can be done to stop media mail abusers?
I ebayed a challenge car part and was charged $10.95 for shipping via fedex and received it via $3.80 media mail, pretty brazenly, in it's edelbrock box saying exactly what it is, and it's not media mail.
Contacted seller to ask why they did it and passively aggressively suggested negative feedback if I don't like their reply(ie refund me some challenge budget and I won't negative you).
Who is the higher power to report things like this to though? Ebay claims to care but likely doesn't, and the usps website is worthless. I tried looking it up online and the only person on reddit who took an unopened package that was mailed via media mail fraudulently said they opened it to verify non media, then charged them the difference to hand their box back.
This is almost as brazen as the guy that sent me an air dam wrapped in bubble wrap via media mail for $2
I was just the other day wondering how the post office would know whether it was a book or not. I think it's incumbent upon the USPS to protect their interests and find a way to x-ray packages or something to verify that they are in fact media. I can understand the abuse though, it's a heckuva lot cheaper.
One huge issue I'm having with the whole deal is i've sold close to 2 grand on ebay in the last 60 days and i do it by the book, but scummy mcdbag here also has 100% feedback and is cheating buyers and will help ruin media mail for those that use it correctly. Heck i was sending a bunch of books the other day to my niece for easter and i had one dog collar battery for her dad. Could have hid it in the middle and sent it media mail but sent it priority for 3x more. People that abuse the system ruin it for everyone else.
Media Mail has no insurance or tracking.
The scammy way to play back would have been to claim you never received it.
4/14/17 12:42 p.m.
John Welsh wrote:
Media Mail has no insurance or tracking.
The scammy way to play back would have been to claim you never received it.
Exactly, and you paid for insurance in the shipping you paid to the seller right? so they should have no problem refunding you in full and then getting their money back from USPS.
They added tracking service. I'm not looking to scam anyone back, I honestly just want some challenge budget returned because they didn't use the quoted shipping service
4/14/17 1:20 p.m.
I'm mostly* ok with you showing the price you paid for the part on eBay (leave the 10.95 shipping out), and then also showing the actual shipping from the sticker on the box or whatever.
It doesn't put $7.15 back in your pocket, but it does put it in the budget.
*However, I don't want to set a challenge precedent that if you abuse media mail you get an advantage...
Another case of the little guy being screwed by the Media!
Technically i'm part of the media on a part time basis, the only one screwed by the media in my house is my wife
This is one of those things Ebay might actually care about. As a seller, they sure do love to dick me over any chance they get, so as a buyer, you should be entitled to a full refund if not more.
I've had refunds pulled from my accounts BY ebay because a Palm Pilot listed in the title as PARTS ONLY didn't work, shiny happy person buyer filed a complaint that it didn't work, and eBay took all his money back from me with no action on my part. It seems they've set the precedent.
4/14/17 3:10 p.m.
In reply to RevRico:
I agree I bet ebay would refund you the difference at least. They are 1000% on the buyers side in disputes.
patgizz wrote:
Technically i'm part of the media on a part time basis, the only one screwed by the media in my house is my wife
Is it possible that your part time approach is not getting the job done for your wife? 
4/14/17 5:53 p.m.
John Welsh wrote:
patgizz wrote:
Technically i'm part of the media on a part time basis, the only one screwed by the media in my house is my wife
Is it possible that your part time approach is not getting the job done for your wife?
Given pats proclivities with causing trouble, I suspect he does rather well at keeping Mrs Pat happy.