Thats how one of my english buddies described these citroens... He was right.
Thats how one of my english buddies described these citroens... He was right.
Is it weird that i actualy like those cars? That one looks like a POS though. That engine is the first incarnation of the biturbo engine, but the heads are different, and it has a timing chain rather than a belt, and 3 webers.
Advertisement says: had transmission replacement in early'90s
Cool cars, but that one looks like a shed. And it's an auto.
I love those cars...from a distance. The chase scene in "The Longest Yard" is still one of my favorites even though that one had a manual tranny. It's still hard to watch Burt Reynolds dump it in the water at the end of the chase.
Way back when I worked at a grocery store, a lady would occasionally drive hers to shop and I would always make it a point to load her groceries.
I saw one on e-bay one time for something like $15k with a list of $30k of work that had been done to it in the last few years. I dont think Id actually want to own one either, but it would be fun to have one to drive for a week or something. For as cheap as some of them go for, it would be kinda fun just to have one even if it didnt run though. There is a shop that works on them still, I think it is just extremly expesnive.
Weird car. Parked next to one at a track day. They have an adjustable suspension (as in, while in the car) and a really long extension shaft off the front of the engine (don't remember if it was for the fan or the water pump) Wollowed like MAD in the corners!!
A friend of mine had one of these when I was stationed in Italy in the early '80's. Very cool car and very effing fast. They don't corner to well though.
The engine is actually mounted backwards in those (tranny toward the front, timing chain next to the firewall). The part infront of the engine is mostly the suspension stuff (the green ball things are actually what it uses for springs).
+1 on the "it looks like a shed" comments. Fixing up the interior isn't going to be cheap, the light cover is missing (unless the US models didn't get that) and I bet there are other unobtanium parts missing, too.
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