He's about 4-5 months old. Beagle and possibly Foxhound. We just got him today. Went to the local shelter yesterday and saw one dog we sort of liked, and then we saw Bucky. I have always loved beagles, and he was just so cute! He's so well behaved. He hasn't barked once since we got him, even when another dog barked at him. Here's to puppies!
7/28/10 6:42 p.m.
7/28/10 11:49 p.m.
Proper looking pooch. Congrats!
Remember, a dog is only as good as its owners.
7/29/10 12:33 a.m.
Cute puppy!
We're expecting videos of the cat/dog meetings, if the cat doesn't kill you first.
oldsaw wrote:
Cute puppy!
We're expecting videos of the cat/dog meetings, if the cat doesn't kill you first.
Thus far the meetings have been horrible. Bucky is, well, a puppy so therefore extremely excitable. We blocked off the third floor (stupid town house) for the cats. Our youngest cat has ventured downstairs, only to make a hasty escape when Bucky comes flying around the corner. Very strange though has been the behavior of our middle cat. She's been hiding under the bed ever since he came home. I hope my family can be one again!
that is with all animals.. they are only as good as their keepers (I refrain from calling them "owners")
I have a grey cheeked parakeet.. she(?) is the sweetest thing in the world and has never bitten me once.. but friends who tried birds all wound up with antisocial feathered fiends from hell... why? My bird is out of her cage whenever I am home and it is light out.