3 month old Shepard K-9 Rookie Cop.
Very inquisitive, well behaved, HUGE paws. She is learning dog stuff from her predecessor, a 9 year old Shepard; you know, where to poop, don't chew the couch that kind of stuff.
Her human stopped by the hangar for a BFR, biannual flight review, he's a pilot.

I was expecting something with wings. Nice pup though.
Stuka is going to need a citation for too much cuteness and be assigned to cuddling duty while internal affairs conducting further investigation. Administrative leave with treats may be called for.
Is your name Hans Ulrich Rudel?
Didn't we have a multiple page thread on a license plate with a questionable name?
I keed. I keed. 
4/8/15 2:43 p.m.
In reply to Appleseed:
I thought about mentioning that, and I'm sure the name will offend those same pansies, but its appropriate as there is obviously a love of flight, and natural for a german shepherd.
JamesMcD wrote:
Is your name Hans Ulrich Rudel?
Wow, just did a Google wiki. That guy had some street cred.
Its all cute till Stuka starts dropping bombs. 
Please consider another name, there is a specific origin of that contraction of Sturzkampfflugzeug and that's Ju-87.
Brita or Ebba - Strength
Berta - Gloroious
Bela - White
Ebba - Strength
Leyna - little angel
Vala - the one chosen over all
Valda - one who governs and rules
I think the name is pretty cool too as it connotes vicious attacking power with a femininity and has ease of saying that fits a German dog quite well.
I like Felda, "of the fields".
In reply to etifosi:
Not sure if I understand which side of the fence you're on. Intially, it seems you are against the dog's name, but then near the end you concede that it is "pretty cool"?
Aside from that, the puppy looks like a cute German Shepard that might get to chomp on a few bad guys once all her training is completed...
In reply to secretariata:
I meant it like, "I see how it's cool because of all these things, but...refer back to the original sentence." I think it would be like naming a Rhodesian Ridgeback "David Duke".
When I was young I had a Saint Bernard that killed neighborhood cats and 5-year old me loved to talk about how my dog was the best Bob Costas eater around.
What a sweet little pup you got there!
By the way, I dig the name. Don't change it.
In reply to etifosi:
Seeing that the dogs handler is an aviator I'm sure that person knows where the name originates from. I think that naming a K9 officer after a dive bomber is pretty fitting actually. The politics of the party in control of the government that ordered the JU-87 into production is a non issue at all here unless someone is just looking for any reason at all to get offended.
Let's not flounder up a cute puppy thread anymore.
America to me is Freedom, so no berks given by me.
It's just that too many have paid for mine and their doorman drove one of those.
I love dogs. I like to chose their names with meaning as they are friends to the end.
So I'd choose prettier for a bitch like that, that's all.
Don't be diss'n no Rhodesian Ridgebacks or I'll send one over to lick you.
Does she live on the second floor?
Regarding floundering. My direct relatives who survived WWII were in the Pacific being shot at/bombed by Japanese machinery. The ones who didn't were trying to reclaim Europe. My ancestors who didn't leave the old country mostly got run over by both Germany and the USSR. I own three German cars and an absurd amount of Japanese steel and aluminum. At some point, one has to get over it and move on. The other option is harboring feuds for things that happened seven centuries ago.
In reply to Knurled:
I agree and have no issues with a dogs name & harbor no ill to the current residents of any nation or the world. I do historically hate Nazi's and Stuka is only a word for one of their weapons.
What would Indiana Jones think?
She'll be smarter than me and a loyal friend for life, a defensive weapon of love. She looks like a "Valda" to me.
Wow, glad I didn't post something inciteful. 
I never thought I would see a floundered puppy thread. Who woulda thunk it.
Sorry didn't notice the dog will be an officer of the law. That sure changes my thoughts..
In reply to oldsaw:
Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.
Apologies for being distracted by the cute puppy photo & not parsing the small print on my phone before replying earlier.

As in, I would have posted a reply earlier to kindly point out that naming a Police tool Sturzkampfflugzeug might not be Kosher.
Or I would have kept my mouth shut entirely and waited for the headline on FARK: "STUKA celebrates Memorial Day by photobombing Veterans' Park."

I sometimes have a hard time remembering what 2 + 2 equals, but I'm trying harder because it's difficult to be sane.