In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
If he didn't invent Soul Metal, he perfected it.
I miss 1776 Americans. These modern ones that just roll over and continue to give government more and more control of their lives as the "civil servants" in office continue to get rich from tax dollars are a disgrace.
Meme tangentially related to old school Americans when faced with a 2% tax hike.
Created this as I'm sitting here doing an N242435631 Serial Data Gateway Module campaign on a 2023 GMC Sierra. GM wants you to reprogram the Serial Data Gateway Module and the Radio using your laptop and an MDI, and then program a USB stick and install the USB stick in the radio. When you plug the USB stick in, the radio says "This update will take approximately 30 minutes", and that's only one phase of the campaign. And yet somehow the campaign only pays 0.4 hours. Similar to how there was the old Trailblazer/Envoy window switch recall where the instructions specifically said to "allow the epoxy to dry for 1 hour minimum", and yet the recall only paid 0.7hrs.
11GTCS said:
Get off my lawn, old man yells at clouds, etc. etc.
Berk Yeah!
If god had intended alternative HVAC control methods, Mazda would have made them that way.
I love, love, love how just one push on the seat warmer button takes you to 11 on a 1 to 10 scale...I'm freezing my a$$ off, give me everything you've got now.
So simple, so intuitive...variable and attribute controls are intelligently paired together.
I've traveled a lot for work resulting in my having comprehensive experience with rental cars from a wide range of manufactures.
"Sir, your super duper platinum elite status of awesomeness entitles you to an upgrade"..."Do you have a Mazda cuz' I'll just take that"
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