12/28/24 10:21 p.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
Oh, the Brits would absolutely do that to their own language. They are famous for dropping whole words out.
Nonetheless, "needs whatevered" just has a strong whiff of illiteracy to me.
Meme unrelated:

Ah, the old descriptive versus prescriptive thing.
Count me among the descriptivists. Language is chaos, and it evolves. Trying to hold it back it pointless. Webster was a classist elitist.

In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :
I've adjusted a little toward recognizing the unavoidable and necessary evolution of language, but I think it's also important to note that it's not all good and not all necessary. I love XKCD but dismissing that language is distinguished from grunting, pointing, and waving by being order as opposed to chaos is bonkers. We can also look around and see that not all change is good, obviously. There are so many examples, but we no longer have a word that means literally in the way that the word literally used to. It was very useful for both clarity and humor, and now it is gone. We've lost a tool of precision and beauty.
The chaotic nature of humanity can be one of its charms, but lets not pretend that just because a thing is going to happen that we are always best served by that fact.

I've suggested previously that language may be the most important human invention.
While we're on the subject...

In reply to Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) :
When I see "bonified" my blood pressure goes up 20 points.
You're not only spelling it wrong, you're pronouncing it wrong too.
12/29/24 5:05 p.m.
"this will decimate all!"
Congratulations on beating 10% of your opponents.
Also, "bougie" is not a word but bourgeois is.
In reply to Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) :
I had to see who else had the idea and found these:
A more direct metallization, kind of in the style of Disturbed or Mudvayne: