Beer Baron 🍺 said:
To me, there is no "Artificial Intelligence". AI should stand for "Acquired Intelligence" because everything AI knows is based on something someone already knows and fed it. Or uses a formula it was taught. Faster than a human? Probably. Smarter? Nope
67LS1 said:Beer Baron 🍺 said:
To me, there is no "Artificial Intelligence". AI should stand for "Acquired Intelligence" because everything AI knows is based on something someone already knows and fed it. Or uses a formula it was taught. Faster than a human? Probably. Smarter? Nope
"Let’s be honest. Most of the intelligence we’ve encountered in our life: pretty artificial, right? All we had was real intelligence, beginning of mankind, right? Didn’t work. We were dumb. Still dumb. So we kept thinking until we could create a fake version of it so dumb people would seem smart. And then we thought, ‘Well maybe that wasn’t the smart thing, ‘cause what if the fake brain gets smarter than the real brain?’ We would look even dumber! If I got this right: we’re smart enough to invent AI, dumb enough to need it and so stupid we can’t figure out if we did the right thing. We don’t know!" - Jerry Seinfeld.
David Elfering said:
Gary reposted a meme that hareappeared on the 30th, and that was a repost of a repost. It's been around for a while.The most recent got 6 thumbs up. This has become a strange game.
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