11/7/14 8:21 a.m.
The ex-SWMBO took the previous one when she moved out (it was mutually agreed she was better for her), and I decided I missed having a big furry critter at my side. Local group Miami Valley Pit Crew rescue is bringing one tonight for a home visit. If things work out I'll have a new dog.
11/7/14 8:32 a.m.
Always good to hear a dog getting a good home! I'm always reminded of one of the old Ernest Goes to/does something movies where he finds a dog in a dumpster or trash can or something and ponders "Who would throw away a perfectly good dog?"
I do expect to see pictures in the space tomorrow, though! =)
11/7/14 8:36 a.m.
Loves me some meathead dogs. Pitties are the mad notes.
Its a shame that they get such a bad rap, they are great dogs. Best of luck with the home visit.
I should warn you about Pitbulls: you have to know what you are getting into. They are fiercely loyal, love to make their owners happy, prefer sleeping on the couch or better yet, in your bed, they are always in a good mood, they love to meet new people and new dogs, they act silly when they are happy, they never get sad, they always cheer you up, they love to be where you are, they love the dog park, they are good listeners, they eat whatever, they usually hate getting a bath but will do it, they don't cause mischief or damage, they love toys and I have never seen one fetch.
And they will go insane at 2 years. If you can get through the 2 year point, then, yeah, great dogs.
11/7/14 9:12 a.m.
Roscoe P Coletrain, says good luck. And we love to surf the net.

In reply to pinchvalve:
I've never read a more true statement on the Internet. Bravo
11/7/14 9:20 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
I should warn you about Pitbulls: you have to know what you are getting into. They are fiercely loyal, love to make their owners happy, prefer sleeping on the couch or better yet, in your bed, they are always in a good mood, they love to meet new people and new dogs, they act silly when they are happy, they never get sad, they always cheer you up, they love to be where you are, they love the dog park, they are good listeners, they eat whatever, they usually hate getting a bath but will do it, they don't cause mischief or damage, they love toys and I have never seen one fetch.
Yup. That describes the last one to a tee.
Love me a nice cuddly Pit. I've never met a mean one. My eldest daughter has one who is convinced he's a lap dog. I was round her place the other weekend with my head under the kitchen sink replacing the faucet and I couldn't do anything to stop the dumb bunny hopping on my lap to snuggle with me. And man and they agile. He has to be kept on a chain when in the yard, not because he's aggressive, he's literally afraid of anything, but because he is a jumper. I saw him sat on the ground next to the fence then jump over it without even standing first. Straight from the ground to the other side of the fence in a single motion. That's how she got him, he jumped into her yard when she was living in Detroit and just never left.
My only issue is that because people are afraid of them they treat you and your dog differently. When we had out old Bull Terrier people thought she was a pit bull even though they have completely different heads, people just see a muscular dog and to them equals a pit bull which equals a child eating monster. It’s sad when you see someone 50 yards away grab their child by the hand and drag then across the road while glowering at you for walking your dog.
Pits can be some of hte most loyal and loving dogs out there. The neighbor has two males and they're so behaved and sweet. There isn't half a mean bone in either of them combined.
Dr. Hess wrote:
And they will go insane at 2 years. If you can get through the 2 year point, then, yeah, great dogs.
All dogs do to some degree. that 18-24 months where EVERYTHING is a chew toy.
In my experience, they get really aggressive at 2. Not just the chew toy thing, but the "Hey, I'm big now, I'm in charge and you are my bitch" thing. And when a pit bull does that and you don't get on top of it, you have a problem. My experience with the breed is limited, though, to the ones like you see on TV news. The totally insane kind. You can salvage them, as I said, by being "extremely" persuasive in disciplining them whenever they show any signs of aggression though that 2 year phase. Then you have a relatively stable dog, more of a hand grenade with the pin straightened but not pulled out kind of thing, versus the hand grenade with the pin pulled and the spoon held down with 2 fingers kind of thing.
11/7/14 10:09 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
My only issue is that because people are afraid of them they treat you and your dog differently. ... a pit bull which equals a child eating monster. It’s sad when you see someone 50 yards away grab their child by the hand and drag then across the road while glowering at you for walking your dog.
Exactly why I want another. To help teach as many as possible not to prejudge a dog based on it's breed. I need to find the photo of our old one wearing Yoda ears at Halloween. Seriously the sweetest dog ever.
pinchvalve wrote:
I should warn you about Pitbulls: you have to know what you are getting into. They are fiercely loyal, love to make their owners happy, prefer sleeping on the couch or better yet, in your bed, they are always in a good mood, they love to meet new people and new dogs, they act silly when they are happy, they never get sad, they always cheer you up, they love to be where you are, they love the dog park, they are good listeners, they eat whatever, they usually hate getting a bath but will do it, they don't cause mischief or damage, they love toys and I have never seen one fetch.
For real. Add some lab into the mix and they might like baths and fetch (though mine sucks at giving it back), though they might also eat your socks.
This beast is about nine years old, and doesn't know the first thing about being aggressive. However, she will put on a good show if someone knocks on the door.

I do loves me some pitties. Favorite one I ever met was named Goyle, short for Gargoyle. Biggest sweetheart evar and a large dog too. Owners were surprised when I came over to say hi and give him a snuggle while they were out walking him.
Good luck with the home visit! I hope to see some pics soon!
11/7/14 11:31 a.m.
I've loved every pit I've ever met. Great dogs.
[I assume you know this, but I'm going to spew forth my drivel anyways:]
I feel that you do have to be much more careful with them than other dogs I have a lot of experience with (Goldens, Labs, and Sammies). You can play with them, and they'll try to grab something--when they do that, they try to bite it. It isn't an aggresive move, they're not tryign to get you, but they bite hard. Not a soft bite like a golden, either. I wouldn't trust one around a young child unless I had a lot of trust in the child. Of course, I wouldn't trust any small child around my parents golden (he is just too big and clumsy), so that goes for any dog.

He looks so serious, but he was just waiting for me to throw some treats his way for sitting pretty. Pit Lab mix on the left, Beagle/Bird Dog/Mutt mix on the right. Can't wait to see photos of your new pal.
Goldens and Labs are retrievers and were breed to have a relatively softer mouth vs a breed like a GSD or American Pitbull Terrier.
I have a 6 year old Doberman female rescue who is absolutely great around my crazy 3 year old son. She is my 3rd Doberman and I couldn't imagine owning any other breed. We always get those people who prejudge a breed and will cross the street or pick up their dogs or kids so my dog wont maul them. But, they're either ignorant or have had a bad experience with the breed. So, the best thing is not push the breed on them but if they are curious to learn more then learn them appropriately.
Heck I will always post up gratuitous dog photos. Meet Abby 1/2 Golden Lab and 1/2 Australian Shepard. She is the rescue dog. Smarter than the average dog but because of this she gets in to some hilarious situations.

In reply to dean1484:
Did she get lucky and no tail? Max, the best dog ever, was a Australian Shepard/Blue Healer mix. Had no tail. We thought dogs with tails were weird, cause real dog are shaped like hairy Luden's cough drops.
My pit is seriously one of the good ones. This is what she does in a thunderstorm...

Not to mention she is beautiful...

11/8/14 6:52 a.m.

So this guy happened last night. 6 month old American Pit Bull male, rescued from a hoarding case. Full of energy from the 1.5hr drive down from Lima, but 10 minutes in he was chilled and exploring. The foster and another lady left after the house inspection, paperwork and $$, and within 10 minutes he climbed up on the couch, let out a big sigh, and fell asleep right next to me. He knew he was home. 

11/8/14 7:24 a.m.
I wish to pet him, then play tug of war with him. My aunt had an amstaff ( I know not a pit) that loooooved him.some tug. You could pick that dog up off the ground and he'd still hold on. Awesome dog.