I've got a set of Vibran 5 finger shoes.
Build wise, they are totally awesome. Top notch- I've met a few people who only run in them, and they last a LOT longer than normal shoes. The sole is very durable, and since there's no padding to crush, well, that doesn't really wear, too. The change in gait will also help wear- if you shuffle your feet at all, the blisters will stop you from doing that way before the shoes wear out.
It takes some time to get used to running in them- like start with a mile, increase that a little, etc. After while, you'll be ok.
If you are worried about your look, I would suggest stop running- we all look like dorks. The shoes are the least of your worries. 
That all being said- I do NOT run in them anymore. I've been battling pain in my foot for three years- year one thought it was a Nuroma, year two- I stepped on a traffic buldge in the Vibram, which I had though was the cause of a stress reaction. Then last year, I actually got a stress fracture.
But not because of the shoes- my step starts on the outside of the foot, and the slaps down toward the inside. The slap is violent enough to hurt me. So it was suggested that I not run in unpadded shoes until I can get that worked out. I had gone to the Vibram orignally to work out foot strength, and stop the neuroma- but in the end, that wasn't the problem. If I had a knee problem, I would totally rock Vibram or any other minimal shoe, to make sure I mid food strike (it works for me- the foot problem is a heck of a lot easier to deal with than knee problems- the foot stuff doesn't pop up anymore until I'm in the 15-18 mile long runs)
I keep trying to get some NB Minimus, and see what they are like- but everytime I'm at the store, they don't have them in my size (the only time they did- one week after the stress fracture... oops).
One other thing- Vibrams are about $20 cheaper than a typical running shoe, $40 cheaper than the "high tech" ones.
Hope that helps.