As some of you may have noticed from the Minor Rant Thread, I've been having some issues at work. Today I confirmed that I will now be working at a Euro Performance/Custom/Fabrication/etc shop M-F, and only working at Nissan Saturday to get a little extra (motorcycle money is what I'm calling it)
This shop is just about the complete opposite of where I'm at now:
I haven't been able to find a single negative review out of the thousands on the net, they do amazing quality work, they work on awesome cars (they specialize in mk1 vr6 conversion kits. They built an r32 swapped mk1 that was on speedhunters), and the workspace is huge (they have two huge shops and a warehouse). In short, they've really got their E36 M3 together.
I'm basically starting over again at the bottom, but I feel like my stagnant period of just changing parts and not loving work anymore is done finally. I'm going to be learning fab/body work/everything I possibly can after hours, things are finally looking up. I've literally been trying for 3 years to get this job, and it finally happened=]
In short, I'm very thankful for everything that has taken me up to this point, and thankful that I actually made some good decisions that helped get me here too.
Oh, here's the place btw:
they're incorporated but they are still just like a local speed shop, I interviewed with the owner and he walked me around the place. He's very much still involved in his business, there everyday early and leaving late, still working on cars, and he's still a young guy too. Nowhere to go but up from here for me.
I'm thankful Wegmans has a bathroom right inside the door.
^on that note, I'm thankful walmarts always have easily located bathrooms. been saved many a time by the wal
I'm thankful for Jiujitsu and my dumb little miata.
Both make me sweat and curse, but keep me from losing my freaking mind between work and 'friends'
Cory: Way to go!
SnowMongoose wrote:
I'm thankful for Jiujitsu and my dumb little miata.
Both make me sweat and curse, but keep me from losing my freaking mind between work and 'friends'
Cory: Way to go!
thank you!
and my grandfather told me once that we all need something to keep us sane, even if (especially if) it's something that tries to drive us insane as well. lol
happy for you ... the rant thread made it seem like wasn't very good for you right now ... good luck with the new place
thank you much, I'm gonna stay at Nissan for a while just on saturdays to get a little extra money to get ahead,
I think it'll be a lot better/more manageable @ only one day a week instead of six.
The plan is to just swoop in on saturdays and make an extra $150, then leave and not have to deal with the BS during the week=]
Good luck Cory! I hope this new job is a lot better situation than the furniture-and-detail-guy crap you had to deal with at the old place. 
thank you much, and it definitely should be!
Now all you guys should come to this thread to brag on things going right in your lives=]
OK! Uh, when that happens I'll be back. 
Glad to hear it, Cory.
I heard of that shop before. I wanted to stop there when I made a trip out to German Motor Werks in Spindale, NC, but I never made it down.
I come home from work to an amazing girlfriend. The kind of woman that is just as likely to ask to be taken out for the evening as she is to request we grab the guitars and make some music.
My work isn't quite work. I restore 60's Ferraris. I build vintage race cars, I repair old MGs, I perfect rear engine Fiats and restore Vintage Abarths. I may leave tired in the evening but I never feel like I was put through the drudgery of work.......unless a Rolls Royce was in my bay that day.
I realize that I have truly great friends. I have culled the contacts list of any that were more trouble than they were worth. I can throw a party, have 45 people show up and with honesty say "there are no bad people here, sit wherever you like" and at the end of the party people will say to me "you know some amazing people" I reply "yes I do, and you are one of them" and I mean it.
All of this is a very far cry from where I was a bit over a year ago. Words cannot express how thankful I am for that.
corytate wrote:
thank you much, and it definitely should be!
Now all you guys should come to this thread to brag on things going right in your lives=]
Ok, I will brag about my latest achievement. Last week I finished the spring semester at Mott Community college. I took Weld 170, GMAW (MIG) welding. I got a 4.0 grade, 100% on my written final exam and 2 American Welding Society certifications, GMAW short circuit transfer and GMAW spray transfer.
I am eagerly awaiting the fall semester to take the SMAW (stick arc) and base metals preparation classes.
I have a 3 day work week, and tomorrow's a casual day! Huzzah!
I have a loving wife who stays home with our 5 month old and takes care of him on weeknights so I can get sleep.
I have a wonderful little 5 month old son who's just starting to get dangerous.
I've got a little audio project to continue work on this weekend. (With 4 days, I might actually have time to make progress!)
My daughter is making homemade chocolate chip cookies as I type this. 
A four day weekend is approaching rather quickly. 
I get to spend all four days hanging with all my family. Close to 40 of us. 
I'm not taking a dirt nap. 
I am thankful that I went to work today and got to admire the extremely hot tile setter working on the bathroom reno in her tank top and bleached jeans, and then I am also thankful that just as I got home, the even hotter new blonde neighbor in her bikini top, shorts and handcrafted rack walked into the back yard to ask if her little daughter could go for a swim in our pool.
Thank you sweet baby Jesus!
Nice Cory!
I have had a couple of friends that have bought that VR6 kit you are talking about. If I remember correctly, the Asian guy in pic 11 on their homepage is the owner. I think he may know a couple of my friends Carlik and Yohannes. Damn, I'm being a name dropper.
I am extremely thankful for people that have helped me out in the last year through some hard times.
Also, this thread is making me think that I should haul my Brokeswagon down there so it can get fixed and I can sell it.
7/2/13 9:32 p.m.
My wife allows me to be a stay at home parent, and build RC cars and generally cause mayhem with my child. She has no real intention of me getting a job ever again.
I am thankful for a 22 year old son that isn't a goof. He is headed to a 5-year Phd program in California.
Now if I can only fix him up with that nice girl at our church........
Anti-stance wrote:
Nice Cory!
I have had a couple of friends that have bought that VR6 kit you are talking about. If I remember correctly, the Asian guy in pic 11 on their homepage is the owner. I think he may know a couple of my friends Carlik and Yohannes. Damn, I'm being a name dropper.
I am extremely thankful for people that have helped me out in the last year through some hard times.
Yes he's the owner, Mike. I'll see if I see them around the shop, it's gonna be weird working with new people after such a long (for me) time in one place lol
Looking forward to it though. 12 more days, only 9 of them work days. I think I have a vacation day left so I might throw in a vacay before I'm no longer full time too lol
I am thankful that I have an interview with a career placement company tomorrow. I feel really rusty being back in the job market after having my last job for 19 years.
I hope my interviewer brings a spare pair of socks, because I'm not just going to knock them off, I'm going to blow them up! 
(I hope) Wish me luck gang!
7/7/13 10:11 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I am thankful that I have an interview with a career placement company tomorrow. I feel really rusty being back in the job market after having my last job for 19 years.
I hope my interviewer brings a spare pair of socks, because I'm not just going to knock them off, I'm going to blow them up!
(I hope) Wish me luck gang!
hell yeah! knock em dead soldier!
Moved my stuff over to the new shop and hung around for a bit. The people I met are awesome, all assure me it is a great place to work and I should do wonderfully.
Also, a friend I hadn't spoken to in years (he's army special forces and comes into town randomly after long periods of absence, hangs for a bit, then completely disappears for a year or two) subscribed to my youtube channel, hopefully he's still living in NC and we can hang again.