Not sure where to ask about this, but there is a thread that has gone missing in the last ~24 hours
It was called Asseto Corsa on PC or something to that effect and its rather lengthy, fairly active as well. In the sim racing sub-forum.
Not sure if any other threads have gone missing.
Yep it really is missing, you can't see the thread title like with those that were affected by the double-GRM+ problem.
Dean and I reported it in the Request Moderator Help thread, and Javelin noted they are working on it. Of interest is that apparently any thread with "Unofficial GRM" in the title is also missing (all the old GT racing series threads).
They don't show up by recreating the address of a particular page either, so it's not that just the thread link on the main page is gone, the entire thread is gone, as shown by Gameboy above.
We can certainly create another thread, but I have no backup of all the info that was in the first few posts, which are super useful for setup and would be a major pain to re-create (if possible at all, since it's been a while since I did my initial setup).
I would be curious to know what caused this. Maybe an attempt to reduce space use on by eliminating old threads?
The only minor info I can add is that I did post something in the thread right before it disappeared. It was a YouTube imbed, that I went into after posting it to modify the text after it. The thread disappeard within an hour after I did that.
Yes, our web people are looking into this.
The Asetto Corsa thread is now back.