More proof that Tom Cruise is gay.
He didn't bang the hot British agent!
I actually watched Edge of Tomorrow yesterday. It didn't totally suck. You do kinda get tired of the LRH "The Aliens Are Coming! The Aliens Are Coming!" themes of the stuff he's been in lately.
spitfirebill wrote: It's hard not to like a guy that has his own P51, but I dispise this guy.
For some reason, I'm the opposite. I want to hate him, and I just can't.
The guys personal life is totally wacked, but I have to say I am in general rather impressed with his movies / acting. I His recent SciFi movies were very good. Edge of Tomorrow was rather good, although it would have been a lot better if they did not sell a major plot point before the movie was released to try and boost attendance. I thought Oblivion was also a very good SciFi movie, but seemed to be a bit ignored. I have heard Jack Reacher was rather good despite him being physically very much not like the actual character.
His love of flying and motorcycles seems to work through to his movies (he is almost always on a bike in his movies). The flying scenes in his movies are generally much better then average because of his input. He even indicated that he would only do a Top Gun sequel if the use of CGI was limited. Apparently they agreed, because it looks like they are going to do one (basic theme involves drones replacing pilots).
Jack Reacher was good. I liked Rock of Ages too. Looks like there's a new Jack Reacher coming out, and one about Uncle Bill (Mena).
Easy button for picking movies in the NOHOME family: "Is T Cruise in it?" If "yes", don't go.
That creature has saved me a lot of money.
When discussing Tom Cruise I keep coming back to a line in Get Shorty. Chili Palmer: That was "Rio Bravo." Robert Mitchum played the drunk in "El Dorado." Dean Martin played the drunk in "Rio Bravo." Basically, it was the same part. Now John Wayne, he did the same in both. He played John Wayne.
Tom Cruise plays Tom Cruise. This isn't a bad thing. He's good at it and you know what you're getting.
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