I haven't built a model car in more than ten years, but I plan to pick up a couple of kits today. I'll be taking a different approach this time though. I want to use the kits to mock up some ideas for a full scale hot rod build, so nothing's getting painted. I just want to build a chassis with the engine and suspension and and then try a few different body ideas on it
Are there any temporary glue options that I can separate as needed?
Its common to use regular old Elmers in aircraft modeling for attaching canopies...because it dries clear and does not mar the clear plastic either. That would be my best guess.
I would probably opt for good old white glue in that case. I've used it to hold clear canopies on aircraft models for years; holds well enough as long as you don't disturb it too much, comes apart easily.
Thanks guys. Never even thought of that.
For temporary setting up I use elmers as well.
Yep, white glue is what you want.
Hint: You can speed-up setting with a hair dryer.
Doesn't look like it's going to matter. I went to Hobby Town and the choices were pretty thin. I needed a Model A or two and a '32 and maybe a '36 or '40. They only had a couple of old Ford models they had Chevy engines.
I've had decent luck sourcing specific model kits, even relatively obscure ones, from Squadron.
Feel free to contact me offline, I have a rather extensive collection that is mostly out of production models. Let me know what you are looking for and I might be able to help you out.
In reply to Woody:
Check the bay of e, there's usually a lot available on there.
Oh sure, that's easy, but I was impatient. I wanted to have some stuff assembled by yesterday afternoon