MINE! ost.ebeans.ch
I can't get in, and any page that has the photos from there posted, the photos don't show.... as an example... I don't see the photo below

apparently my modem is not allowing me into this webpage. I spent an hour with my provider... doing 2 tracerts. Each time it died @ the 3rd hop... which my provider says is the modem. The modem is a Netgear DM111PSP V2.
Does all this seem legit? Yesterday I had no problem accessing my photo host... now I can't see squat. How does a modem turn off one webpage??? yes... I have access to everything else.........
You Modem? Extremely doubtful. DNS, absolutely. Change your DNS entries to and (Googles)
Edit: Nevermind. Check your web host, I can't access it either.
my tracert goes to 3rd hop and dies as well on AT&T's network
PS - I get in on my phone... different network. Tough to do load pics from my phone.... also tough to write/post from my phone...
Apparently... if you have Century Link... you can't see them... it appears all of century link can't get there......
Are you sure it isn't a firewall or security program?
Works for me, google DNS, frontier DSL.
Change your DNS as first mentioned bet it will work then. More then likely Clink has something going on with a DNS server and it is not routing right.
Works fine on Charter with OpenDNS DNS servers (instead of the Google ones, those two don't necessarily update quickly enough for me when I update my own domains). Might be worth trying OpenDNS's servers instead of Google's.
Your ISP should not block access to third party DNS providers, if that's the case you may want to switch ISPs or at least raise a complaint with the FCC for all the good that that would do. I know certain ISPs like to use their DNS service for additional revenue generation (Charter does that for example by helpfully redirecting failed DNS resolution from your browser to a search page) but they shouldn't be suppressing DNS traffic.
Does not work for me; century link. I will try later on my phone when I have 4g.
Photo does not show for me on my android phone, using 3G. I get a blue box with a ? in it.
The link in the op gives me the GRM 404 page, so I googled ost.ebeans.ch/ and the first three links would not open for me. I get a blank white page.
Have you tried flushing your DNS cache? In Windows its just "ipconfig /flushdns" from your command prompt.
That'll eliminate anything on your computer that would be causing a routing problem.
If your phone can't get there either from your home network then it probably isn't on your side and is probably something with the interconnect on the ISP end.
The other option would be to use a VPN or a proxy to double check the routing done by the ISP.
I got a call from Century Link... I'm told it is on their end.
As to DNS... I went through the whole thing with a friernd who knows what he is doing... ran 3 tracerts... all 3 hit the third hop and died. The last successful hop was to ptld.qwest.net that is Century Link... not my modem...
To the few who keep bringing up DNS... I used the google DNS, and those specified by Century Link... as well as a few others my friend had me try
What is funny, if you use a proxy... like translate.google.com it shows!
I can't believe CenturyLink admitted fault.....
The pic in the op shows up for me now on my ipad using wireless through sprint. However, I just refreshed the page on my phone an it still shows the blue ? box.
It's showing for me today. 029 first time I've seen it.
Grtechguy wrote:
It's showing for me today. 029 first time I've seen it.
yep... it appears that I can too..........