I was drinking a similarly expensive quantity of energy drinks for a while.
Coffee seems to really do bad things to my stomach. I think it's some kind of reflux, so less liquid is actually better for me if I can still get the caffeine, so I found these:

My supermarket (Wegmans) sells the 18 packets box for about $4.50, which seems to be the best I can do since coffee doesn't agree with me (unfortunately, because I like it and Tim Horton's has large for $1.75 or so :( )
These are 2 servings per packet, so if I use the whole packet, in a little bit of water, it's 160mg caffeine, plus some B vitamins and the Taurine. I wash it down with some regular water so it doesn't singe my esophagus too badly, and it does the trick for now.
Works out to about $0.25 per packet I think, I go through 2 or 3 of them per day.
So, less than a dollar a day, not too bad I guess.
Some people just don't like the way they taste. I do okay with them though.
10/23/12 12:16 p.m.
In reply to lastsnare:
Have you tried tea? I find my stomach gets bothered if I drink creamer in my coffee, mebbe it's that for you as well?
1988RedT2 wrote:
Nothing new here.
Well, other than that, "Now that they've banned cocaine in our drinks, what can we put in instead?" The soft drink (and by extension, energy drink) industry is pretty much what survives of the nineteenth century patent medicine / snake oil guys. (Well, that and the branch that decided to try and meet newer, more stringent laws, and became the pharmaceutical industry.)
Grizz wrote:
In reply to lastsnare:
Have you tried tea? I find my stomach gets bothered if I drink creamer in my coffee, mebbe it's that for you as well?
I did try tea yes. It doesn't have quite enough kick for me (my job isn't exciting enough for me I guess, so I need this other stuff to keep me going, haha).
Tea also bothers my stomach (at least sometimes).
Green tea will make me feel like vomiting if I drink it on an empty stomach (I guess this is common with green teas at least, something to do with the tannins perhaps ?). But green tea almost has the opposite effect for me anyway, I usually feel kind of tired after I drink it, rather than energized.
Sometimes the creamer in coffee helps (maybe it mellows out the acid), but occasionally I'll get bad heartburn pains after drinking it. And I do seem to have some trouble with some milk products. Really hard to narrow it down unfortunately.
I've been to doctors for it for at least a year. It's better, so perhaps a slow improvement.
Anyways, not to hijack the thread :D
Carry on
Damn.. now I have a craving for a yellow Monster Rehab, the lemonade one. Or a RedBull and vodka/Jager....
The only problem with coffee now, is the mass produced stuff SUCKS. Back when I was a kid drinking coffee, it tasted awesome. Now it is a thin, stinging, and weak flavored water infused product. This is why you are finding people with so many different tasting crap flavors in their cup of joe.
N Sperlo wrote:
In reply to Osterkraut:
Am I being too much of a buzz-kill?
Maybe just a nut-case. Just depends on how you look at it.
I enjoy the western medicine bad/swilling energy drinks dichotomy.
I used to hit the RedBull and vodka pretty hard in nightclubs when I was in Ireland.
I think I've consumed 24 ounces of RB in the last 2 years. I drink about 30 ounces of black tea a day.
My first time going to Sebring involved a 12 pack of Red Bull and a 9 hour trip in the middle of the night. By the time I got there at 4 am, I was WIDE AWAKE. 
10/23/12 1:56 p.m.
Oh joy, they were just talking about it on the news.
"She only drank two cans in a 24 hour period"
Not once did they mention that the two cans she drank were the big 24 ouncers. Not even the person arguing that it wasn't Monsters fault.
In reply to Grizz:
2 24 ounces of four loco wouldn't have killed that girl in one day. But hell, I'm no doctor.
In reply to DukeOfUndersteer:

10/23/12 6:48 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
In reply to Grizz:
2 24 ounces of four loco wouldn't have killed that girl in one day. But hell, I'm no doctor.
Don't you lie.
One can of 4 loko almost killed me.
Or at least it talked me into doing Jaeger bombs.
I can shotgun a 12 pack no problem but once you start mixing me some alcohol and Redbull......ohhhh boy!
as for 4Loko? yeah berkeley that E36 M3!
I do like me some Rockstar, hate Monster though. I want Surge and Jolt back.
BoostedBrandon wrote:
I tear up the Java Monster's, but they're kinda tame really. I only get them when I'm falling asleep at the wheel, stuff like that.
Definitely bad stuff.
This is the only flavor I can stand, but they make me jittery so I avoid them too. It's alot better now since I put about 40lbs on since highschool, in school I topped out at less than 120lbs/5'11" lol. It still is something I avoid though.
I just drink coca cola all day. it's good for you!!!!!! right?
Did somebody mention jaeger bombs? Sweet, sweet nectar of the GODS! 
Uh, yes, I was drunk twice last weekened... and this weekend is Halloween. SUCK IT LIVER!
10/24/12 8:41 a.m.
I like the ubermonster energy drink. http://www.energyfiend.com/uber-monster-energy-drink
There was an energy drink back in the day called 'Lost'. It had graffitti on the can. That stuff actually tasted good (although I'm sure just as bad for you) but I haven't seen it in several years.
I'm on a med for migranes and it makes me incredibly drowsy. Coffee every morning is a must, but occasionally (like 5-6 times a year) I'll grab an energy drink instead. Most of it tastes like crap though.
Monster Energy Drink Cited In 5 Deaths
Reports of five deaths said to be related to Monster Energy Drink—including a Maryland teen who died of caffeine-induced cardiac arrhythmia after consuming two 24-ounce beverages in a 24-hour period—has prompted an FDA investigation. What do you think?
"At least we can take some comfort in the knowledge that they didn’t die drowsy."
Delia Cronenweth
"Are they sure it was the Monster Drinks and not the totally bitching rush from their snowboard jumps or motocross races?"
Javier Jimenez
Bus Driver
"That’s tragic, but a good rule of thumb is not to consume 48 ounces of anything."
Paul DiBona
Urban Planner
10/24/12 10:40 a.m.
Back in the day,we had an alarm installation that had to be finished fast. Drank two Jolt Colas,we finished in record time. I was shaky for hours afterwards. What happened to that stuff?
AFAIK, Jolt is still out there, I bought a can of it awhile back.
This is what their new packaging looks (or looked if it's been discontinued again) like.

10/24/12 12:24 p.m.
I actually had the cola and the blue a while ago, I completely forgot about that stuff.
word!! I dunno, I love redbull but I think I may have to go back to my first love lol