Does anyone do moonlighting jobs?
I'm in a spot where I could use some extra income to supplement my day job. Any places besides CL list parttime/short term gigs?
Does anyone do moonlighting jobs?
I'm in a spot where I could use some extra income to supplement my day job. Any places besides CL list parttime/short term gigs?
I'm an engineer by day, racecar fabricator by night. I do it to pay for my own racing. Keeps me from spending family money on stupid car stuff.
It's been six months and I've earned almost 7 grand gross - not too bad. A high of $550 per hour and a low of $150 per hour depending. It can work. My case was pretty special, though.
Yup, been doing PC/printer repair on the side for several years. Worked out well since my position was eliminated a few weeks ago.
Granted, I live in a small town and rural area, but word of mouth is the only advertising I've done to date. I did about $6k in repair work last year at around $25/hour.
Also, I don't think most people understand the full benefits of incorporating your own business. The tax breaks for the first 5-years are awesome. Our tax returns were 3-4 times greater than they ever had been before, though we certainly have thrown a lot of $$$ into the building we bought(which we're also going to be living in very soon).
Nah not that scary....or big.
Farmboy turned IT dork extraordinaire with interested in cars/bikes/etc and not afraid to get my hands dirty. Restaurant work is about the only think I don't want to do.
Malware and virus removal got me through some lean times. No advertising, just word of mouth, friends of friends.
I told my wife years ago I need a high paying part-time job on Saturdays. Work 4-5 hours and make a couple hundred bucks. She said; yeah, you and a couple million other guys want this job.
My wife's cousin does high end Wedding DJ work and pulls in a good $500-$600 a night. Every Saturday night with a lot of partying people.
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