Here in Texas the Dallas Independent School District hasn't been doing so well. In Texas we also have a No Pass, No Play law so that if the kids don't pass they can't play football or other extracurricular activities.
My daughter who is a Teacher in a surrounding school district just came home just fuming about what DISD is doing this year.
It seems that if you fail a test, any test, you are allowed to take it again. If you fail twice then the teacher has to counsel with you and give it to you again.
There can be no due dates on homework. As long as it's in before the school year (or 6 weeks she wasn't sure which) then they have to count it.
If you fail the 6 weeks then you are given 10 days to raise your grades. How I don't know, but you can bet there is some established procedure for extra credit.
Well, let's see, if I'd have been able to retake the tests or turn in my homework after all my buddies had gotten theirs back I'd have made straight A's which seems to be the method behind the madness of the DISD. This way their relative scoring to the surrounding school districts will rise and they'll get more federal funds.
Any similar stupidity going on in your neighborhood?
My wife ended her teaching career in the public schools right after undergrad. She was so frustrated with their bureaucracy, the No child left behind BS, and the fact that they just teach children in the wrong way....
that is so moronic, it deserves to be in the ignorance thread.
my first observation, also in Texas...
not too many options around here for alternate education. Next county over you can go to ACS, a montrasori school, and the ever present Catholic school.
Or just ship your kid off to Military school
Glad we're in New England for once.
8/24/08 8:08 p.m.
So berkeleying frustrating. As a product of both a berkeleying aweful and later, a good school district; I feel so sorry for people who are stuck in these E36 M3ty schools.
I've always thought that rather than "No Child Left Behind", it should be "One Child Left Behind", just to keep the pressure on them.
Nobody wants to be that kid.
thats redic, if i had gone to a high school like that I would have had strait As and gotten into Syracuse or Notre Dame. It's also ridiculous for sports. Hell if a kid can't pass a class how can you trust him to remember what to do right on the playing field?
Just because you run a 4.2 40yard dash doesn't mean you're going to be the next Barry Sanders.
Irony is misspelling in this thred.

8/25/08 11:15 a.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
Irony is misspelling in this thred.
Hey, we all struggle with some things.
Please note that Bush is from Texas. That is all.
Really he's from the New England area. It's just easier to get an idiot elected in Texas than it is up there.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Please note that Bush is from Texas. That is all.
But a LOT of the school system problems in Texas (specifically teaching to a test instead of a curriculum) came from Ross Perot. He started in all back in the 90's, long before Bush was president or govenor.
Now, I'm sure that'll be turned (or considered) to be in support of Bush. It is by no means that, but in today's two party system or die mentality, it's how people will take it.
Whew. For once South Carolina doesn't score at the bottom on something education related. 
doitover wrote:
Really he's from the New England area. It's just easier to get an idiot elected in Texas than it is up there.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Please note that Bush is from Texas. That is all.
It's easier than you'd think

New Reader
8/25/08 2:01 p.m.
Pennsylvania has Bob Casey, aka Empty Suit. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Whether those and many others that you could list are idiots or not is open to debate. What isn't is that Bush would not have stood a chance in the political environment he grew up in.
The USA is doomed!
Glad I'll be dead , soon!