Why do I have an urge to get one of these guns? Someone tell me its a silly idea and that I should be happy with my Marlin 60. I don't need a WW2 battle rifle, right?
Why do I have an urge to get one of these guns? Someone tell me its a silly idea and that I should be happy with my Marlin 60. I don't need a WW2 battle rifle, right?
but really i'd like a ww2 rifle too and i'm taking the classes necessary in a couple weeks and those things seem decently priced too.
This is true. I was nearly blinded after firing one. My shoulder bruised up pretty good too (much worse than firing any shotgun).
What's not to like? Cheap, tons of history, low-cost ammo, surprisingly accurate. Get a long barrel and don't worry about fireballs and excessive recoil.
I watched Enemy at the Gates for the first time after reading that thread. I've located a couple local to me for reasonable prices. I even watched Youtube videos on how to maintain the Mosin-Nagant rifle.
I want one. A lot.
Firing one is like taking a punch to the jaw. They are great range guns. Solid.
If you want some low cost plinking you can go SKS or AK variant. 7.62x39 isn't as cheap as it was before we started fighting soviet backed countries...but it's still not bad. Recoil is much less.
Man, I guess I have a non-op one since I didnt feel it at all when firing it.
The fireball lights up the night sky though and is SWEET!!! I took mine out Hog hunting one night, though, we did not see any so just took a couple of shots to check its accuracy. Its not bad.
For the price, if you need a gun to take out, thats fairly accurate, and can take down some decent game; get it. I picked mine up for under $100 ready to go.
I've got a decent one cosmetically, fires fine and accurate. I'm going to a gun show this Saturday. Its out of state so I'll only be looking at rifles (FFL transfer to home state not required). Anything mil-surp and cheap is on my list, but I only need one Mosin, so it needs to be something else.
Last show I went to there was some smaller calibre (7mm?) Scanidinavian mil-surp rifle for around $100. I so regret not buying it. Guns are one thing I've never regretted buying, even if its PB&J's for lunch for the next week or so.
I just noticed I wrote "need" one Mosin. Kind of funny.
They are wicked cool, wicked cheap, and we're close enough to WW3 that it makes more sense than ever to buy more guns. Also, bayonets do come in handy.
I'm sort of eh on my Mosin. As I'm only used to Black Scary Rifles, I have no luck shooting it. I thought the recoil was a bit harsh, but I've gotten more used to it. I suppose it doesn't hurt to have one, since every other gun owner does too.
If you were stuck with M-N as your only rifle you wouldn't be undergunned. Cheap ammo, reasonably accurate and capable of doing just about anything you need with it. I just bought two more of them.
If you don't already have a centerfire rifle, this isn't too bad.
MN's are okay for what they are. I see them for $75 and $99 in local ads. My son has a Tula 91/30, hex receiver, laminated stock, decent metal. It shoots well, but I think handloading will make it much better. Reloadable brass is harder to find and costs more than cheap Comblock surplus ammo or Eastern European "sporter" rounds. Some of that is good, some is crap. Be ready to thoroughly clean if you end up with corrosive primers.
Sporterizing is a bit different than it would be for, say, a Mauser. Several accessories are available: Stocks, scopes and mounts, rubber recoil pads, etc. The best scope mounts require drilling and tapping, and a modified bolt handle to clear the scope. The bolt handle is awkwardly placed for rapid fire, being too far forward and a bit short. Fixing that involves welding a long, angled extension. That service is advertised online for not much money.
More than you ever wanted to know about Mosin Nagants: 7.62X54R.net
They are definitely fun, but don't think of it as a self defense tool, there are better options. But to have one for fun and if you ever need to take large game in an end-of-days situation, it will serve you well.
I was considering getting one or an M1 Garand. Ended up with a K31 Swiss, which though more expensive, is all kinds of awesome.
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