So, we have lived in this house for 12 years now and I have had a little project hanging over my head ever since, but I just lacked the proper amount of motivation to get started on it. iT's just a little spare bedroom that has turned into a big storage cluster berkeley. Well, last week along comes a great deal on Craigslist for a flat file, one of those large file cabinets that architects use to store the blueprints in nice and flat. Now, most people don't feel the need to lug home a ginormous cabinet but I was completely stoked because Chuck & I do some scratch built modelling and other crafty stuffs and this beast is perfect for storing large sheets of cardstock and whatnot. Not only that but it apparently holds just the right amount of motivation to get me started on renovating that room. So off I went to the home despot to buy primer and spackle and roller tray liners while everyone else is at the grocery store buying up all the milk and chicken, as the forecast is for several inches of the white stuff.
Now, let me start by telling you that this little room was HIDEOUS. It has wallpaper from the PO that looks like Holly Hobbie but with stains and second hand smoke damage. I don't know why I lived with it for so long. The only saving grace was that it was not very well adhered to the wall and big sheets have been falling down for the last few years, leaving bare drywall showing. All in all the room looked like it had a disease. Obviously if this room had more play it would have been dealt with a long time ago, but it's tucked in the back of the house where no one ever ventures anyway. Now, on to the good's a sample of Holly Hobbie Hell
Now, after a solid two days of painting my ass off, we have this, a quiet and very bright retreat
and a nice display of some of my guitars
And here's the little guy who started the chain of events
And this other little cabinet we already had will sit nicely on top once I get a piece of plywood cut to fit
And now, I can't wait to get back to work so I can relax