Yep. Between maintenance and liability I completely ignored any house with a pool when I was shopping last time.
Pools are great when they are at somebody else's house.
Yep. Between maintenance and liability I completely ignored any house with a pool when I was shopping last time.
Pools are great when they are at somebody else's house.
Cone_Junky wrote: Pools are great when they are at somebody else's house.
Fuggin A' dude. Just like boats, and vacation houses in FL. Some things you own. Some things you rent. I'm more than happy to buy all the beers, booze, & food at my brother's place, and pay $300 to go with a guide & fish for half a day vs. "Live in FL" or buy a place there and a boat.
Community pool is free. Y is cheap. Lakes up here are either free or a couple bucks a day.
Hey it coulda been way worse. You could have got a house with an above-ground pool.
Also if it makes you feel any better, the pool-cleaning "robots" (purely mechanical things) are only marginally useful when they're working "properly."
The only pool ill ever own is one of those el cheapo PVC pipe framed jobs for ~$150. Use it for the summer, poke a hole in the side when the weather turns and trash it. Repeat next year if wanted.
Pool robots astound me. They have about as many parts as a blender yet they cost ridiculous amounts of money and rarely last more than 2 years.
captain nemo wrote: Not to mention the $225.00 a month for the pool guy or the pavers that are all out of wack and need to be redone about $2000.00 for that, or the extra electricity or water....oh change it to a salt water pool for another $2000.00 all this heartache and money for something nobody uses......what could you buy with a extra $300 a month? Don't ever get #$%king swimming pool, house #13 I am ready.
Learn to do it yourself?
Surely you can take a weekend and reset your pavers yourself.
This is GRASSROOTS motorsports after all.
How hard is it to do what your pool guy does? I've met pool guys, they're not exactly Rhoades scholars.
My pool-bot does a great job.
But I agree about the need to write big checks on a regular basis - even if you do a lot yourself.
I worked for a pool supply/maintenance company between undergrad and grad school. I learned then that a pool would never be in my future. I had a front seat to all the things that could go wrong and all the daily maintenance that was required.
I've managed to keep that pledge despite pressure from two wives through 5 house purchases.
Well just so we can be "that guy".
We love our pool, my wife and kids use it all the time. It is closed for the winter now. I DIY all the work - opens, closes, repairs. Yup it costs us - especially the electric bill but it is worth it.
I don't use a pool-bot. Kreepy Krawler is what I use.
I have been fighting my family for the past 15 years as we are the only ones without a pool - I don't want the work or the expense.
It is great to see guys that are just like me! My house is "A" - the rest have pools.
mine is rarely any problem at all. coverted it to salt water and let the robot clean. polaris's can be troublesome, but there are better cleaners now.
I spent $1100 filling my 18x36x9 pool in this spring. 2 days with a rented Bobcat was a ton of fun.
It was a 30 year old pool that needed another vinyl liner at $3200 installed (not diy possible) plus work on the return lines. That and we have 1 year old with older siblings that have problems shutting doors. It wasn't worth the worry or expense to keep it.
Our summer electric bill is less than 1/2 of what it was previous years. Win, Win, Win.
Oh for the kids swimming? there is a gravel pit lake / public park four blocks away with a beach.
Turn off the pumps and turn it into a pond? Toss in some fish from a local pond (make sure to get some mosquito fish) and let it go. I hear fishing is much more relaxing, plus your beer will stay colder since it will be in the kitchen fridge!
Meh - I'm a lazy berkeleyer, but I don't get how grown ass men can let a small body of water beat them. I spend less on chemicals in a year than you spend in a month for that dude who's banging your wife. The worst thing the pool has ever done to get on my bad side was when it blew out the flex hose that the original installer used to plumb the thing, and I spent a weekend pouring a concrete pad for all of the components (rather than sit them in the dirt as it was) and replumbed it with PVC hard line.
I am with Dilysi. I spent less than $150 this year on supplies. $100 was for a new cartridge filter, the rest salt and muriatic acid. I check it once a week and adjust PH, empty the leaves from the filter basket and thats it.
The only thing I agree with the OP is the pavers, they suck. But I still rather re-set them myself once a year than have to break the concrete to get to a busted pipe. I have a variable speed pump too, so the electric bill is not bad at all. +$75 summer and $20/30 the rest of the year.
Maybe its because I grew up with a pool, but its not that bad and the whole family enjoys it.
captain nemo wrote:
DIYLS DAVE THE DILDO said: WHAT A DI K HEAD THING TO SAY. I spend less on chemicals in a year than you spend in a month for that dude who's banging your wife.
LOL @ DIYLS DAVE, although with as often as "throw an LSx in it" is said around here, perhaps dave should DIY an LS.
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