So this video has been going around Facebook like a wildfire and you probably have already seen it, but does anyone have any other info on this confrontation? I'm just curious.
If you haven't seen it, an F150 tries to run a couple of riders off the road and when they confront him one of the riders headbutt a the driver of the F150.
I read some comments that the riders were speeding through a neighborhood, but by what I could hear in the video, they all know each other in some way.
No info, but I would have headbutted the lady for jumping in the middle. Seriously though, I feel bad for the kids. No youngster should have to hear that language, or watch their dad get hurt, or what if the bikers shot them of something? And how do you get out of the truck and leave your kids in there unattended? The truck was in the middle of the road, what if an inattentive driver slammed into it? Perhaps they took them off, but the kid that I saw did not have a seat belt on. And to top it all off, the guy has a cross on his arm? Seemed like a good Christian boy to me. (eye roll) why not be honest and put a Bud Light logo there or a swastica?
Wait, I thought it was a black Land Rover?
There's apparently some video evidence of the motorcycle riders hitting 170mph in that area. It's squids vs rednecks. Neither of them are angels. Two wrongs don't make a right. I mostly would like Cletus to not have any children.
I don't approve of someone's actions. I wont call the authorities, I'll attempt to kill them instead. Oi!
In reply to Appleseed:
At least they didn't roll through a stop sign, that would have really been a death sentence 

5/29/15 7:43 p.m.
Seems like a case of "when shiny happy people collide," but that headbutt was glorious.
I'm siding with the bike guys here. Whether they know each other or whatever happened - he did actually try to kill him. I'm not sure I would have stopped at a head butt. A few broken ribs to remember "do not menace motorcycles for E36 M3s and giggles" with every breath for a couple weeks seems fair. Or, atleast, if you are going to menace them... don't get out of the truck, and keep on moving down the road.
speaking of... I just got back from a 400 mile loop of the Catskills and Sundown forest roads where only the deer were actively trying to kill me. I would like to head butt them too. And the guy at the gas station in Calcoon - just because he took too berkeleying long counting his change. Five berkeleying minutes to get less than a dollar together!? I would soooo head butt his fat arse.
Not hard enough, the guy's nose was still intact.
5/29/15 11:05 p.m.
Yeah, being a tardbox is one thing, but trying to kill a man, when he offered no direct harm to you? Not cool. the headbutt was rather impressive though. Appears green bike may have done that before. I want that move.for grand theft auto.
I have a felling this is not the first time either of them have been involved in dumb E36 M3. Still the guy in the truck should be charged.

5/30/15 8:04 a.m.
clutchsmoke wrote:
Two wrongs don't make a right.
But three rights make a left
I don't care who was right or wrong, I love seeing someone who thinks they are tough getting knocked down like that.
For what it is worth, Squids usually do not kill other people when they do stupid stuff. Not saying it doesn't happen, but usually they just cause some vehicular damage while offing themselves in some dramatic way..
I really doubt Mr. Redneck and his family was ever in any danger from these two bikers.. certainly not enough to warrant trying to run one or both of them off of the road with his 2 tons of truck
There's plenty of stupid on both sides (assuming the bikers really were doing 170+ in the area) but I'd say the pickup driver has a bigger helping of it. Crossing the double yellow and planting the truck where he did was tantamount to taking the law into his own hands, this situation does not really call for that. The headbutt was dumb as hell as well but it did serve to inform pickup boy that he better hold his water before he wound up getting his ass beat.
5/30/15 2:10 p.m.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
The next day Mr redneck chucked a glass bottle at them while they were in a parking lot.....and the camera got shut off. I wonder if they did indeed go beat his ass.
Would not surprise me in the least. I don't advocate violence, but some jerk tries to block me like this fool did then chunks a bottle, well he's gonna be wearing some bruises for a good while.
EDIT: This is a link to the 'full length' vid, there's a bit at the very end where you hear the unmistakeable sound of glass hitting pavement, then the vid quickly cuts off. It's age restricted, may have to sign in to watch it. Oh yeah, check out the spelling in the banner. Not a whole lot of brain cells in this crowd.
Curious what went on in the previous 2 or 3 days.
Rednecks shouldn't cross the yellow line to plank a biker, bikers shouldn't be antagonistic douche bags bringing discredit to the hobby.
"Yo I got mother berkelyin' kids in the truck"
So you cross into oncoming traffic, slam on the brakes in the middle of the road, reverse in the middle of the road, and then get your ass concussed in glorious fashion?

Plenty of Stupid to go around, but methman went out of his way to create a possible fatality. I have no tolerance for idiots who berkley with riders, whether motorized or self-powered.
The meth heads remind me of my daughter's friend's 'parents'. Like the poor kids in the back of that pickup, I hope she realizes what's going on, and gets out of there ASAP. I'm guessing it's not the first or last time they've seen dad get his ass beat for being an idiot.
Clearly the squids aren't real smart either, but they have to be enjoying this to some extent to go back again the next day.
5/30/15 6:22 p.m.
Should have followed up headbutt with soccer kick imo.
5/30/15 10:03 p.m.
I don't really have an opinion one way or the other except that was an epic headbutt.