4/25/12 8:17 a.m.
Black Death was not a very good movie in terms of the story line and was not very engaging at all. I never once cared about any of the characters. There was one good graphic fight scene in the first half of the movie that might be worth a watch; you can turn it off after that.
I watched about an hour of "The Tree of Life" last night. Spent about half that time thinking it was the most beautiful movie I'd ever seen and waiting anxiously for the awesome payoff I knew was coming any minute.
Spent the other half hour in the dawning realization that Terrence Malick had managed to remake "2011: A Space Odyssey," only without the interest of HAL, Keir Dullea, or any plot points whatsoever.
Fell asleep to House Hunters International instead.
RossD wrote:
******** was not a very good movie in terms of the story line and was not very engaging at all. I never once cared about any of the characters.
That description works for most of the movies, lately. The worst offender of late is Attack The Block. I wanted the aliens to eat all of the main characters.
pinchvalve wrote:
I got such motion sickness during The Hurt Locker that I had to walk out after 15 minutes. Dude, TRIPOD. Look into it.
I know a guy who can hook them up with some nice stable camera platforms. They should look into it.
4/25/12 2:27 p.m.
i still get on my pirates of the carribean kick and also national treasure. my sick pleasure
Plan to watch Zombieland again tonight.
Maybe I should throw in Pan's Labyrinth as well?
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I watched 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou" again for like the dozenth time tonight. Never gets old.
I've tried to watch that abomination twice. Both times combined, I might have an hour invested. No matter how I'm dying, when I am dying I want that hour back.
funny you should ask. I was under the impression there were several movies I wanted to see this summer. I checked online for the release schedule and only Prometheus and The Black Knight jumped out at me. I'd like to catch Cabin in the Woods before it leaves but the way things are working out....
My wife got "Absentia" through our netflix queue the other day. Surprisingly a VERY good movie. very trippy and it actually had.. a plot!...and a twist or two in said plot!
She's very good at finding movies and books I've never heard of that turn out very good.
I'm trying to hype up (to her; she didn't like a couple of his movies that I love, but we agreed on Baron Von Munchausen, Brazil, and Time Bandits lol) my desired annual viewing of most of Terry Gilliam's works, over a period of a few days of course.
It's very rare that I feel the urge to go to the theatre these days though. Doesn't the last Christopher Nolan Batman come out this summer though?
There are a few movies I will watch whenever they show up, but I won't actively search them out.
Oh Brother, Where art thou
Raising Arizona
Shawshank Redemption
The Wrath Of Kahn
Indiana Jones 1 and 3
And now the embarrassing part- any Hugh Grant romcom
As long as there is noone else in the room, Hope Floats.
I'm very happy with my local theater, refurbished after the flood in Sept. and now featuring power recliners, and 2D tickets start $4.50.
4/25/12 8:40 p.m.
my son is chomping at the bit to go see avengers and battleship.
I was really surprised by The Prestige. Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, COME ON!
I think I've noticed with an exception to a few (Boondock Saints, Super Troopers) That most of my favorite movies are placed in older times.
Maybe because they were better times.
4/26/12 5:27 p.m.
Everyone with netflix go watch Delicatessen ASAP

corytate wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
I own a copy of Driven
shames self 3rd...
I feel good about my movie collection, half price books had $1 VHS where I used to live.
TMNT (1&2)
Hot Shots
Hunt for Red October
With not having cable or netflix, we watch a lot of movies.
Taiden wrote:
Everyone with netflix go watch Delicatessen ASAP
I just watched the trailer. I don't get it. If I watched that movie I don't think I'd make it 1/2 way through without removing my eyes....through my rectum.
DrBoost wrote:
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I watched 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou" again for like the dozenth time tonight. Never gets old.
I've tried to watch that abomination twice. Both times combined, I might have an hour invested. No matter how I'm dying, when I am dying I want that hour back.
There is something official wrong with you.
Also last night I watched Convoy.
4/26/12 6:09 p.m.
DrBoost wrote:
Taiden wrote:
Everyone with netflix go watch Delicatessen ASAP
I just watched the trailer. I don't get it. If I watched that movie I don't think I'd make it 1/2 way through without removing my eyes....through my rectum.
Don't judge a movie by its trailer!
I remember a few friends never saw Slumdog Millionaire because a large portion of the trailer was a typical Bollywood dance scene, while no bollywood dance scene existed until the final credits in the actual movie.
HiTempguy wrote:
mtn wrote:
I'm trying to get the girlfriend to watch Escanaba In Da Moonlight with me. It is kinda a test.
Realistically, if I had a GF that liked most of the stuff I watched, I probably wouldn't be with her.
Of course, if she can't watch, she must at least APPRECIATE the Rocky Horror Picture Show, or else, once again, I probably wouldn't be with her (or more accurately, there is no way in hell she'd ever think of being with me)!
I would make you a terrible girlfriend. I cant stand rocky horror!
Everyone should see gunless. A great western comedy. In Canada.
Then see Appaloosa.
4/26/12 6:37 p.m.
Another thing that's cool about delicatessen it that it was directed by the same guy who directed Amelie. Talk about versatility in style