Can be anything.
Tonight my ten year old son had dad and son movie night in and The Blues Brothers was the movie of choice.
Still great and watching it with a ten year old made it even better. Re introducing the classics is great.
What else is out there.
Attack of the Killer tomato's ???? 
6/11/16 9:50 p.m.
Addams family.
Any of the back to the future movies.
Oh Brother Where Art Thou never gets old to me.
Blazing Saddles
The Life Aquatic: gets better every time I watch it, many Bill Murray movies are like that.
On Any Sunday
I'm sure I'd think if an entirely different list next week.
Super Troopers
The first three Fast And Furious movies.
Clearly, I have questionable taste.
6/11/16 10:00 p.m.
Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.
Slippery wrote:
Did we just become best friends?! I love that movie lol. Also caddyshack, talledega nights, and the jerk.
wae wrote:
Hunt for Red October
The Princess Bride
Good list. I will watch any of those any time they are on.
I'll add The Abyss.
For a kid?
Try Indiana Jones. Just cover his eyes for the face melting part.
I suspect he also might find Goonies quite good. E.T. might interest him also.
Forrest Gump.
Shawshank Redemption.
Star Wars IV (A New Hope).
Family Man.
6/11/16 10:38 p.m.
The Princess Bride
Blues Brothers
Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Big Fish
Almost Famous
Fight club, boondock saints. Payback, clerks, Billy Madison, vanishing point, the expendables, rambo/die hard series.
Princess Bride
O' Brother Where Art Thou?
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
History of the World: part one
Chasing Amy
Big Lebowski, Tombstone, Blues Brothers, Spinal Tap, A Few Good Men, Pulp Fiction, Goldfinger, Patton, Fargo, Jaws.