Out of the hospital? Status update please, we want the dirt
yep ... sorry for the delay in updates ... I had a system in place to text one of our posters, and they would post the updates here ... somehow I managed to screw that up ...
so the surgery went well (~ 1 1/2 hrs longer than normal) ... but the kidney is out ... I'm pretty sore ... imagine that
now to find a way to take care of the other 2 tumors ... especially the large mass under the shoulder blade and threatening the spinal cord ... somewhat serious ..
so back to a medical "solution" ... sooner or later they'll figure out something that'll get-er done
appointments for the end of the month to get started on the new treatment regime
funny how the surgeries always seem to take a bit longer than initially planned. That being said I'm quite glad that they take the extra care, precaution and time.
I was going to rag on ya for missing the Rolex, bUT your excuse is valid. Thanks for the update. Rest easy, recover quickly.
TRoglodyte wrote: I was going to rag on ya for missing the Rolex, bUT your excuse is valid. Thanks for the update.Rest easy, recover quickly.
I might have been able to make it ... but not knowing how the recovery time would go ... I felt it prudent to plan ahead and let someone else use the ticket ... I'll still be on the early purchase list for next yr, so the plans are to be there in '17
I've often thought that internally applied anesthetic should do something positive for killing of unwanted cancer cells
thanks ... now the long hard road ahead ... trying to find a medical solution for the other 2 tumors ... surgery doesn't seem to be an option ... I realize how dangerous any surgery is, much major surgery like this one would be, but I'd be happier if it would just go away .. my Oncologist has a different approach (medical option) to try ... he claimed he likes if for my cancer just as much as what he started me on (that baffled him when it didn't do anything for any of the tumors) ... guess we showed the one, didn't we any way, there won't be big news (actually any BIG news, won't usually be good news) so nothing much ... update wise, util the spring
I've been so overwhelmed with all the care (here, the other forum I visit regularly, FB ...) I'm completely stunned, and as I said just plain overwhelmed
one thing this has done, is make me re-evaluate my priorities ... I think back to Curmudgeon, capt., now me, and I read though all the stuff that gets posted in all the forums and FB ..etc that I do ... and none of it seems to matter all that much ... I'm pretty sure, that, going forward, I'll be a bit more caring for those that really need it..
and I don't mean that their problems aren't real, just that my focus has sorta change ... for everyone else (me when I was there) are real and personal to them ... just that my prospective has changed a bit
Best of luck with the future procedures. I am really amazed at what the doctors can do, and the recovery abilities of the human body. I have had my share of med problems in the recent past, and fortunately nothing very major. Had rotator cuff surgery 12/9. Excellent doc. I was scheduled for 1:00pm, and found that I was number seven of the day! My therapist is interesting. 6"4, 290#, black. It is a bit odd to hold hands with him, but he is truly a gentle giant. Ex-college footballer. Asked him what he could bench press, he said about 500.
big guy ... I remember some Pro Rastlers (sp ? LOL) that 500 # was a dividing line ... above 500 was "big guy" ... below was "regular" guy
my surgery was the first of the day ... first of the long weekend... first of the new yr ... so the anticipated 4 hr event, was a 6 hr event .. worked out well for me
talked with Margie .... and she said that I should post this, rather than she ... so here's a short, sorta glanced over, update of things to now
sorry I didn't get any updates to y'all ... no wifi at the hospital, and no cell coverage ... I think the only folk that had coverage were on Version .. and even their coverage was spotty as heck ..
the surgery went well ... was supposed to take ~4 hrs... but the tumor and the kidney itself were really wrapped around in and out and about the blood vessels ... the 2 largest blood vessels in the body ... sorta need to be careful around them ..
so ended up 1 1/2 hrs longer than expected
the stomach muscles were moved/stretched pushed/pulled ... just really manipulated here there and everywhere ... I couldn't sit up with out help ... the pain was a bunch ... or else my pain level tolerance isn't as much as I thought of myself
that has eased to the point where I don't have any problem moving around today ... so now it's just wait out the internal healing process
today, first full day at home, second day after release ... spent some time with the guys working on Curmudgeon's rotary Miata ... was there a bit to long ... sorta wore out my internal welcome LOL
I'm home, had lunch, and rested for a while ... need to split some fire wood, and get the last grass cutting done (dang summer weather in Nov, and Dec)
just kidding guys ... yes all that needs doing ... odds are high that it'll happen in Mar/April instead of Jan
the larger incision is still a bit tender ... so to protect it in case of getting bumped, I've covered loosely with several large cause pads, and just taped down the corners .. need open to the air, but also protected from any outside harm
all the care that's been expressed on this forum for me, and the others ... captdownshift, Curmudgeon, and seems like there are a couple of others has been amazing ... truly overwhelming ... hard to put into words how if feels when even the owners of the mag. business take time out of their day to get on hear and say all the same things that all y'all are saying ...
very humbling .... thanks to all of ya
latest update is 3 posts above this one
and I've been running my mouth in lots of places on this forum ... don't have much of anything so I've had lots of time to postwhore
got a look at the Curmudgeon roto/Answer today ... they were hard at it, hoping to finish up what Tom, Ed, Keith, and I'm leaving someone out (sorry) ... I'm assuming the car will stay with Steve E for the foreseeable future ... couldn't get a straight answer from Tom ... playing his cards really tight
if it stays at the shop, maybe as I get a bit stronger, I might be able to do some small thing towards making this into something that will help Mike's daughter ... would like it if I knew I had a hand it this ...all I could today was just stand and watch ... actually I stayed there a bit too long ... was whipped out ... got home and collapsed for about an hour ... felt pretty good after that ... now the more I can do will only help ... I've regained some strength and some stamina ... weight hasn't gone up all that much (this is a good thing... still hanging around 178 +/- ...
2 days ago, to go up my stars here, my left leg would have trouble if it was the lead leg ... had to make sure I concentrated on every other step (left leg lead) ... today... no problem, so some strength must be returning
Steve, to bad the connection with you couldn't get through while I was at hospital ... thanks for vol. to be the conduit
If your going to be a post whore be be a loose, slutty one . No such thing as TMI, and your building strength one labored keystroke at a time.
at least in my fingers
yeah, it's cold outside ... can't split any wood (blame the cancer and the surgery), can't work on the car, can't/don't want to do any of the fall yard work, that the warm fall pushed into full on winter ... need to do the final grass cutting, leaf blowing ... don't feel like walking the property looking for all the small branches that will provide my kindling
so I'm just sitting around reading, watching the TV, or running through my forum choices
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