I have enjoyed some short commutes in my career, and I have a nice short 5-mile commute now that should be a breeze. Trouble is, I have to drive through a small town that is basically a crossroads. The end near my house is the exit for a major North-South highway, and the other end is the exit for a major East-West parkway. The parkway connects Pittsburgh to the Airport. So there are people coming from all over to this little crossroads, half trying to get onto a highway to get to work, half getting off to get to work. It seems to make people crazy, ignorant, angry, and stupid all at the same time!
So far, in only a few short months, I have nearly been crashed into about 12 times, and actually hit once. I drive as slowly and cautiously as I possibly can, and I am as courteous as I can be - which is against my nature but I have to because drivers are such morons.
This morning, I am approaching a green light and a bus decides to make a right turn on red. OK, he cut it a little close, but he had just enough room so no biggie. The car behind the bus is rolling up, and I assume he will stop because he has a red light and I am RIGHT THERE behind the bus. Luckily, I ride motorcycles as well and I am in the habit of watching a drivers head in situations like this. Yep, not looking up, not looking to the left, just blindly following the bus and come right on out. The guy runs a red light without ever looking up from his phone!
So yeah, I have to slam on the brakes and swerve into the oncoming lane to avoid hitting him. Nice of me eh? I could have slammed into him and it would have been his fault and he would have paid for it. Good thing I am so attentive and have fast reflexes? So I give him a little "you're welcome" honk and drove on into the convenience store.
He pulls in as well and parks close by and is staring at me, like I did something wrong. So I mention, "you ran a red light without looking, try to pay attention man". Nice, non-confrontational, just heading to get my tea. Then he decides to yell at me and says "its called a mistake man". WTF? Not, I'm sorry or I screwed up or Ill be more careful? Nope, he's not at fault at all. OK, whatever.
Then I am trying to pay for my drinks and he is in line behind me, still complaining, and he says, and I quote: "the bus went and I just followed it, I wasn't looking at the lights man". Wow, that's your justification? You admit that you don't look at the traffic lights, you just stare at your phone and go if the vehicle in front of you goes?!?!?
That's what the world has come to, fat morons who sell cable for Xfinity are not to blame for being complete idiots. They can drive around and ignore traffic signals and stare at their phones and it is on everyone else get out of their way. They have nothing to feel bad about or be sorry for because they have an excuse: they are stupid.
I swear I am driving to work in one of these from now on: