9/27/10 3:59 p.m.
My wife and I used to do a lot of rescue work with dogs - Great Pyrenees and Doberman. 10 years ago - almost to the day, we took in two doberman puppies. The sisters - now known as Vienna and Paris, had been left in an abandoned apartment to starve. With long tails and floppy ears, they looked more like bony dachsunds. We took them both in and built them up - Vienna, we kept. We found a new home for Paris. Together we did years of obedience, agility and protection training. Vienna is pretty much a shadow anytime I'm around the house. After 10 years of perfect health, yesterday she woke up really sick - today she's in a vet ICU fighting for her life. They're not even sure what's wrong.
I know not everyone understands it, but I would trust her more than most people I've met - she is family. Sorry to ramble - it sucks I may have to make a tough decision tonight - if you you happen to be a dog lover - keep a good thought for "ninna"
9/27/10 4:02 p.m.
Wow, I really hope they can give her the veterinary equivalent of House diagnosis and get her issues solved. I know what it's like and I wish you all the best.
Oh, no! I've done that wait more times than I care to remember. Hope she gets better soon.
I really hope everything turns out OK.
9/27/10 4:38 p.m.
My big rescue dog went to the ICU this past summer while i was out of town. He didn't come home. He fought for a 3 days in a O2 tent. His heart had gone bad and he was coughing up blood but swallowing it to keep it hidden from us.
I cried like never before when he went, but in my heart I know he lead a long healthy happy life with us, and I know I am better for having shared my life with him.
Godspeed Vienna , get better.
Ugh. Here's hoping for the best.
My heart is with you. I also have a rescue dog who turned 10 this year and I cherish every day with her. She is also a shadow as we did years of obedience/agility work together.
I hope they can make Vienna comfortable and diagnose her quickly.
9/27/10 5:46 p.m.
Oh, God, I hope it works out for both of you. I had a rescue dog, Sadie, for 11 years. Had to put her down two years ago. I'm crying as I type this, and was a total sloppy mess when I had to do it. Hell, I'm a big Ol Manly man, but those special dogs just mean SO much to us. My heart goes out to both of you. Good luck, HOPE it works out, and let us know, OK?
Good luck to Vienna, and you Tin. Looks like a good dog.
9/27/10 7:38 p.m.
Oh man, no need to apologize. I think you'd be surprised how many people are empathizing with you, I know I am. Keeping my fingers crossed for Vienna.
Me and My best friend, Mr Geeb, wish both of you well.
oldtin wrote:
My wife and I used to do a lot of rescue work with dogs - Great Pyrenees and Doberman. 10 years ago - almost to the day, we took in two doberman puppies. The sisters - now known as Vienna and Paris, had been left in an abandoned apartment to starve. With long tails and floppy ears, they looked more like bony dachsunds. We took them both in and built them up - Vienna, we kept. We found a new home for Paris. Together we did years of obedience, agility and protection training. Vienna is pretty much a shadow anytime I'm around the house. After 10 years of perfect health, yesterday she woke up really sick - today she's in a vet ICU fighting for her life. They're not even sure what's wrong.
I know not everyone understands it, but I would trust her more than most people I've met - she is family. Sorry to ramble - it sucks I may have to make a tough decision tonight - if you you happen to be a dog lover - keep a good thought for "ninna"
Damnit man. She's in our prayers, my wifes and mine. As well as all 7 of our rescues.
Oh man, that sucks.
Best of wishes.
Growing up, I had a rescue Golden Retriever. He's been gone about 4 years now and I still miss him. I miss him more than anything else in the world sometimes.
Remember the good times.
9/27/10 10:09 p.m.
Ralph sends his best wishes
9/27/10 10:50 p.m.
Every dog I've ever had has been a rescue, and they all knew we saved them. They always know, and they show their gratitude.
You have given her the best life she could possibly have, after coming from terrible circumstances.
Linus (the rescue currently snoring at my feet) and I are wishing Vienna the best right now.
9/27/10 11:08 p.m.
Thanks for all the support from my GRM family. It means a lot. She's still hanging tough. Her heart rate is more normal (was 200) and the bp is good. She's just really weak. We're hoping she can gain a little more juice by tomorrow.
I love Dobermans. I hope she gets better.
Ginger, my 10 year old rescue Lab, says hi, and wishes Vienna the best.
Positive thoughts and zen being sent your way from me, the missus, and our 4 rescues Spencer, Bailey, Trevor, and Quinn...........
Hope everything turns out. It doesn't matter where you get them from, a good dog is a good dog!