My daughter is 7. Below is her Christmas list, in order:
Monster High Clawdeen Wolf Plush
Godzilla Talking Keychain
Rodan SuperDeformed Plush
Zoobles (ok, not odd. But these barely beat out Bakugan)
She's... different.

A few months back we made a Godzilla out of a line drawing, some paper, stables, and some cotton balls.
My daughter was a little daddy's girl for the first few years. Loved boy's toys and to hang out in the garage with daddy.
She turned into a little princess when she was 5. Still a daddy's girl though
12/17/10 4:12 p.m.
Dude, your daughter rules...... that's better than any Xmas list I ever had. Bonus points for the Voltron!
Your daughter should hang out with my younger son. He's 10, though, so it would be icky for another 12 years or so.
Netflix has been great for her. That is where she first learned of Godzilla and now Voltron. We've watched the frist 5 episodes together and she's hooked.
My favorite Christmas was when I was 5 and I got all 5 Lions.
This proves parents are examples to their kids whether they want to be or not. Just be sure you control your drinking and if you smoke - quit!
Looks like a mighty fine list to me.
12/17/10 4:49 p.m.
m4ff3w wrote:
Netflix has been great for her. That is where she first learned of Godzilla and now Voltron. We've watched the frist 5 episodes together and she's hooked.
My favorite Christmas was when I was 5 and I got all 5 Lions.
I had that SAME Xmas. I was blown away. And then my Voltron got confiscated cause it had lead paint in it......
mndsm wrote:
I had that SAME Xmas. I was blown away. And then my Voltron got confiscated cause it had lead paint in it......
We didn't believe in those recalls. Might explain my taste in cars though... That said, I didn't eat my Voltron.
m4ff3w wrote:
mndsm wrote:
I had that SAME Xmas. I was blown away. And then my Voltron got confiscated cause it had lead paint in it......
We didn't believe in those recalls. Might explain my taste in cars though... That said, I didn't eat my Voltron.
+1 vote for that quote to be published
Awesome. Halloween is next.

My daughter discovered star wars. I understand the Star Wars universe will be getting a restraining order soon.
Not too bad a list, however.
That Voltron costume fricken rocks!
12/18/10 9:47 a.m.
Beautiful kid, BTW. 
SVreX wrote:
What have you done?
Is she in therapy yet??
Probably not, she's a carrier.
Her kids will be in therapy with Grandpa, sh'es normbal.
We went and watched Gremlins @ pancake breakfast @ Alamo Drafthouse Cinema this morning.
Most excellent fun. Last night we watched a few more episodes of Voltron and she colored some line drawings we found online.
OK, I'll be the first, WHERE can I get the godzilla keychain??
Beautiful little girl, got you wrapped around her finger yet?
Does she have a brother or two or a significant friend who thinks those toys are THE thing to have? Kids have phases, two month from now it might be wall papering her room in "Hello Kitty" paper...The most important thing is YOU are paying attention to her, taking interest in her likes and desires, and regardless of whatever you buy her, THAT's what she'll always remember.
Now, where can I get that keychain??
Nope. She's the only one into that stuff.
It all started when she was home sick one day and I put on "Dinosaurus!" from 1960, as she'd had some cheap plastic dinosaur toys before. She loved it.
So then I started watching other campy films and Godzilla was one of them. So we acquired the entire library of Toho Godzilla movies.
I got the keychain on eBay:
They also made the stuffed Rodan. They also have some other really cool stuff. Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, etc.
Me? Wrapped around her finger? I know not what you speak of.
I think you will be "living in interesting times" with her
She is getting this letter instead of Voltron :( Sad dad. It shipped last Friday via USPS Priority Mail.
Dear Amaya,
Merry Christmas! I’m leaving this letter because a most unfortunate event has occurred. While we were in China, my head elf Alabaster Snowball dropped my sack of toys. Sadly, we lost a few toys of boys and girls.
I’m very sorry that your Voltron Lion set was on that got left in China. A team of secret commando elves were sent to recover the toys that got left behind. But my sleigh only has enough magic for one trip around the world every year.
But fear not, little girl. Your Voltron Lions will be mailed to your house. It might take a few days, but I promise you will get them soon. You’ve been a very good girl this year. Please don’t be too upset and I hope you like the rest of your presents.
Merry Christmas,
12/24/10 8:27 p.m.
Good letter, and cool kid (and dad). I hope you both have a very merry christmas!
Voltron showed up last Friday. She was so excited.
So Voltron defended the Zoobles from Godzilla & MechaGodzilla all weekend. Apparently Rodan is nice (I guess because he is stuffed)
Good job! You followed through with the promises, and THAT she'll remember--and counts--more than Voltron. Although I suspect Voltron has the upper hand for a while.
m4ff3w wrote:
My daughter is 7. Below is her Christmas list, in order:
etc etc etc
She's... different.
.... I'd say you've done something right. :]