I kinda like my old truck. Honest, easy to work on, humble. Yeah, I'd rather it didn't have the 305, and I'd rather it was a manual and blah blah blah. Dammit, it's just a plain ol' work truck, and that's not such a bad thing to be.
Naturally, I can't stop thinking of ways to screw it up.
Obviously, I'd like to build a 350 stroker to go in there eventually. I dig sleeper trucks, and a lumpy idle makes my insidey parts all warm. So, that's a given.
Here's where the dumb idea comes in. I bake awesome bread for a living, and since I'm the only guy at my restaurant involved with that, I'm also the salesman, accounts manager and delivery driver. (You see where this is headed...) I like old panel trucks. What would be cooler than a half-ratty old panel truck with some hand lettering, loping around town making bread deliveries? It's part of the image of the brand, and it's identifiable.
So, I got the dumb idea to put an old panel truck body on my frame/engine etc. Basically, do what Haas did with the '49 Chevy/Caprice body swap. Then I have a modern-ish structure and a cool looking truck. What could go wrong?
But here's the thing, short of going out and measuring old panel trucks, which would be an enjoyable endeavor if not a little time consuming, how do I find out what body will fit? For that matter, will any old panel truck fit on my more modern ('88) full size frame (GMC 1500), or were they closer in frame size to something like an S-10?
I suppose when it comes down to it, screwing up an otherwise good truck isn't the best idea. That's never stopped me before.