Every states in the union is having financial woes. The Federal government is looking at the largest ten year debt ever. The Iraqis and Afghanis will need billions of dollars per month in reparations... so how do we pay for it?
Michigan, among other states, currently have a "Deposit Tax" on soft drink bottles. I suggest modifying the tax in the following manner:
All bottles (Glass, Plastic, Pill, Oil, etc) will have a $.10 charge on them nationwide, when you return the bottles to the supplier you get a $.05 refund.
Do the math. Think about the recycling impact and revenue generation.
I think people on the border of Indiana take their bottles to Walmart in Michigan to get deposit money.
I suggested it to my son to finance his college education.
Grtechguy wrote:
So I should see if I can delete those eMails to Granholm, Stabenow and Levin?
Like they would do anything to help!
pete240z wrote:
I think people on the border of Indiana take their bottles to Walmart in Michigan to get deposit money.
I suggested it to my son to finance his college education.
JERRY: (re-entering) Hey, you're not talking that Michigan deposit
bottle scam again, are you?
KRAMER: No, no, I'm off that.
NEWMAN: You tried it?
KRAMER: Oh yeah. Every which way. Couldn't crunch the numbers. It drove
me crazy.
That is one reason I suggest doing this program nationally.
9/9/09 12:13 p.m.
Michigan's governer is trying everything possible to raise taxes to cover her mismanagement. Look how good Indiana has been doing (in comparison to Michigan). Raising taxes won't get Michigan out of the hole it's in.
I can't wait to move out of this hell hole.