And so he did. Not so long ago. Mostly though, he was an awful man full of anger, hatred, intolerance and had paved a path of wrongdoing and abuse.
But near the end of his life, he opened himself up more to the good things. Accepted his faults more than ever before-- and connected with my father again. (who had run away from home at age 15 because of the severe abuse my grandfather put him through.)
Well anyways, toward the end of his life, my Grandfather wrote some poetry. He never seemed like an articulate man. But i am a poet. And i was interested in what he wrote. He loved cars-- dead ones you'd find in a field. He'd bring them back to life, and my Dad has always done the same.
So i'd like to share with you GRMers a poem i thought you'd like, seeing as it's about cars and passion. It was something that really intrigued me.
A Man And His Car
It's a long way from new, Matter of fact, it's darn old, But if you study it good, You'd say that it's got soul.
It's lines they are sleek, It's demeanor is strong, And it stood up to its task, Done its job for so long.
Now it sets in the woods, Where they've left it to rot, The job it done was thankless, And it's help they forgot.
It don't shine anymore, For it's lusters all gone, What it needs is a heart, That longs for days gone.
A hand laid on the wheel, Or the old shifting lever, And a heart ever yearning, To put it back together.
So he drags it back home, They are together for years, And to see it brought to life, Would near bring you to tears.
It's amazing to see the feeling between, In a matter of time it again has a sheen, And it goes down the road, In a manner so proud, And where ever it goes, ya' know it draws a crowd.
No one knows the grand feeling, Of what you done with your hands, Nor the closeness you got from the rust on your hands, The feeling you get as you drive down the street, In the car you brought back, That folks think is so neat.
It rests under a sheet, And not in a junk pile, And you know, if it could, I'll bet it would smile.