Some Berkeleying E36M3-head tried to steal my Cherokee last night from my office parking lot. Luckily(?) the creaton smashed the column so badly, it wouldn't start.
Now I'm dealing with all the police/insurance/rental hooplah and I'm fairly annoyed and slightly homicidal. Someone please tell me a funny story or post a picture of pure awesomeness.

12/16/09 10:28 a.m.
note to self, don't try to steal cars when drunk.
Did they Jimmy your locks or what? How'd they get in? Where is your office that it would expose the vehicle to such a threat?
12/16/09 10:30 a.m.
Bad, but much better than if they had succeeded, crashed, stripped it, and then you got it back after the insurance company had it fixed by semi-trained monkeys.
When my Mustang was stolen the first time, I had actually left a spare set of keys in the console...
I found them when we recovered the car... still in the console.
They smashed the snot out of the column, console and destroyed the floor shifter to make it go.
friend of mine almost had his CJ stolen... they could not get it started (it was hard to start WITH the key) so they stole the doors and top instead. Now he chains both the top and the doors on.
Here's something both awesome AND relevant:

12/16/09 12:29 p.m.
Here is my funny story:
When my car gets too much stuff piled on it, my wife makes me sell it.

I sold this last week. Is that funy?
My FC was broken into before I bought it. The crackhead knifed the ignition, so you have to stick a screwdriver into it along with the key in order to move one of the pins. It makes it look like I'm hotwiring my own car.
Thanks for the awesomeness guys.
It's certainly not the worst case scenario, at least the creep didn't succeed. So far I'm not getting any BS from the insurance company and I'm rockin' a Dodge Nitro rental so I've calmed down quite a bit.
EricM: That's not funny. Not at all.
EricM wrote:
Here is my funny story:
When my car gets too much stuff piled on it, my wife makes me sell it.
I sold this last week. Is that funy?
Sorry for the threadjack, but didn't you just buy that car?
i had a stereo in a 84 cutlass stolen 3 times ...
so the 4th stereo i put in i took apart and soldered one sided razor blades to the case,
the next time my cutty was broken into i had a helluva mess to clean up but the stereo was still there and funny byproduct was it wasent broken into again,
funny how that worked? eh?
shame on you .... you caused some shiny happy person to loose his only source of income.... + having to go to the ER for stitches which we the taxpayer had to pay for... hope you're happy now...
12/16/09 6:32 p.m.
Woody wrote:
EricM wrote:
Here is my funny story:
When my car gets too much stuff piled on it, my wife makes me sell it.
I sold this last week. Is that funy?
Sorry for the threadjack, but didn't you just buy that car?
sigh yes hangs head in shame

That is all..
I'm a huge fan of improper graphical tool applications...I'll see your "Meat Loaf Pie Chart" and raise you a "Mom's Eulogy Bar Graph"

Another favorite...Gettysburg Address in PowerPoint:

Best pie chart ever.
Statisics don't lie. Knowing is half the battle.

12/17/09 6:56 a.m.
Be happy, it could've ended up like my cutlass...

12/17/09 7:18 a.m.
Suddenly I love fake graphs.