Big surgery was this morning and we're already home. Bone missing all the way from the front to back into the palate. The current thought is that her young skull will do a bang up job growing in a bunch of new bone now that the cyst is gone and no bone graft will be needed. She is going to need some pretty gnarly orthodontics once the tooth drops down. We'll know more in a week, in six weeks, and then in six months.
Vacation is still very much in a holding pattern. The boys are all "that's fine, we'll just hang out and play Minecraft all summer" Not cool boys, not cool.
Glad to hear the surgery went well! 
Time to teach the boys how to paint and the fine art of cabinet making.
Good that you’re home that quickly! Hope the follow up checkups go well.
Follow up went well. She has a big hole in the roof of her mouth that the tooth is going to try and come through. It's pushed so far back in her head by the cyst that there is no way it will ever drop near the other teeth. If it comes in the roof of her mouth well and is healthy they'll put a bracket on it and drag it all the way to the front of her mouth over the course of a year or more. Surgeon said that the eye tooth is one of the more important teeth to having a good bite over the course of your life so they want to do what they can to save it and get it grown in place.
We're cleared to leave in the morning so we're going to do that. Goodby Texas summer!
Great news!
Have a safe trip and enjoyable, cooler summer!
Happy for your family, and Deuce Kid, that she has a rosey prognosis. Keep the sunny side up! Been a crappy week, needed that shot in the arm, thank you.
damn, that sounds gnar.
jaw wired shut, eating pizza milkshakes, etc?