He showed me a video this morning and wanted to know if he could build a gun.
I pointed him to a shop full of tools and junk and said go for it.
He built this.
He wins.
There is a slight chance I am biased. 
That's pretty cool!
My eight year old daughter is currently building her first engine:

My kid bought donuts for the whole family on his way home from work the other night, just because.
We built one of those guns at the shop last summer. They sting, and you will keep the ammo manufacturers in Chablis.
I made one of those once with an old fire extinguisher for an air source, full of orange BBs it was great for shooting junebugs, basically tracer ammo under the light of a bug zapper.
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
Yes they sting. Yes they go through airsoft pellets at a rather alarming rate.
1/29/17 5:22 p.m.
Toyman, that is very cool. Excellent work. Be sure to tell him that the GRM family thinks so.
Brought my kid to rally school to drop off a car. I put her behind the wheel of my truck and talked her through driving around the course for 15 minutes. Then I got out and she drove around for 45 more minutes until I made her stop. She had never been behind the wheel before today and she LOVED it. I might have a rallycrosser yet.
1/30/17 5:56 a.m.
Very cool stories. My kids are 3 cats, so E36 M3 in the litter box is the greatest achievement I can hope for. 
1/30/17 9:38 a.m.
My dog pooped on the driveway this morning...
mtn wrote:
My dog pooped on the driveway this morning...
It's a good day when they do that OUTSIDE!
My son's in a welding class in high school. They've just started learning oxy acetylene and he wanted to practice lap welds this weekend. I don't have a torch setup, but let him play around with my mig, which he used once when he was about 12. He's already laying down MUCH better beads than his old man. (Which isn't saying much since I'm not very good). And they all passed the hammer/vice test.
Lap Weld
Right Angle Weld

Butt Weld

mtn wrote:
My dog pooped on the driveway this morning...
Marginally better than when they can't hold it past the back patio...
Nice welds!
Not so sure about my kid. He refused to go to school because it was 'too dangerous', then went hooning around in the snow all day
. At least his priorities are right...
(The school superintendent actually admitted that they screwed up by not closing schools today)
Bumping this thread because I have something really cool to brag about!
My son is somewhat larger than life, and huge fun to be around, but my daughter is the more cerebral of the two.
She is involved in a creative writing group after school, and today they went to a regional competition today with around 25 middle schools, both public and private. They were counting up the top 12 of ~100 7th graders, no one from her school had placed yet; probably 75% went to the private school students. Then this happened:

First place overall for 7th grade!! 

I involuntarily used a couple of sentence enhancers while sitting right behind her teacher

Her school also placed two eighth graders in the top 5, and got an overall 4th place
As Capt Jack Sparrow said, they're be no living with her after this...
My twins went out for the MA northeast Jr. District concert band. Children from 62 towns
Ryan, Bass Clarinet, set the high score for his instrument and one of the highest scores in the district for all instruments.
Alex, Trumpet, was the 5th best trumpet for the entire district and the 3rd best in the concert band. 55 trumpet players auditioned in total.
Yeah.. No living with them now...

But to all of the kids in this thread... Congratulations on everything you've done! Keep it up, because we are proud of you all.
Suckered my 11 year old into helping with the sandblaster (on the promise that if he helps, he can use it): add better lighting to the cabinet, pop riv-nuts in for an easier-to-replace window, and then use the lathe to cut some holes in plastic so I can run a hookah pot for the shop vac.
Life is good.
My 10 year old found the coolest video game. It's on STEAM. It's called Car Mechanic Simulator 2015, and in it you are basically operating an independent auto repair shop. My 12 year old non-car-girl was heard saying "you forgot the belt tensioner!!" They realized they wasted a lot of time pulling the engine to swap a clutch when they could have pulled axles and shafts and the trans. They are using words like "pressure plate" and "sway bar end link." The game has them pulling each bolt. Apparently it is also possible to build a pushrod V8 from the bare block, but they have only done an I4. This is the best fifteen bucks I've ever spent. They are playing it now with the Bathurst 12 hour on the iPad sitting next to the pc.
2/4/17 10:03 p.m.
My kid throws E36 M3 at mommy when he doesn't get to play xbox.
My baby made her own "toy" and played with it in the bathtub last night...
I disinfected all of the real, non-human waste toys...
My 5 year old is pissed at me because I bought him a welding helmet but wouldn't let him use the welder
2/5/17 1:44 p.m.
My son will be a cameraman for some kind of football game or something tonight. 
Enjoy the show.