In engineering, life imitates art, or something like that. On a nearly daily basis something happens around here that goes down like a storyboard straight out of Scott Adams' drawing room. This, however, just made me smack my face.
So yesterday, while I was at an industrial facility performing some equipment inspections (outside, in the wonderful 90 degree spring day we were having), my boss texts me "Hey, we need someone to go to city hundred of miles away, in a different country next week to support some testing. Plz call when u get a chance." (Yes, my boss texts like a motherberkeleying 14 year old) After I finished what I was doing, I found some shade and called him back. He lays out what's going on, apologizes for the short notice, and asks me if I can help. I told him I was pretty busy but would check and let him know.
Now, granted, I was pretty sure I was going to turn him down. We've been inundated with work just in my normal activities, and even yesterday's trip out to do inspections was an emergency, last-minute sort of thing- which pushed all my other obligations even further back. So jetting off to a far-away place for a couple of days wasn't going to sit well. On top of that, I have two young kids at home, one of whom is still pretty fresh and in diapers, and a wife who's already just hanging on to her sanity by a thread with me home on a regular basis. But, I wanted to talk it over with my other bosses, all of whom confirmed the thoughts above.
About an hour later, after I'd left the job site, I texted him back and politely declined. No big deal, he said, just asking around.
Today, back at my office, I was talking to another guy involved with that project, and he told me that (we'll call him Colbert ) had been tasked with traveling to this facility (and had been involved with this international project for some time now) and supporting the testing- and had known about it for a month. But, Colbert's passport had expired, and he hadn't renewed it yet, and that's why he was unable to go. So, Colbert's job involves regular travel to foreign countries...and he let his passport expire. Sharp.
On top of that, a few minutes ago I got an email from another co-worker who apparently my boss was able to sucker into supporting the testing. He writes me, "Hey, This is other guy. I have been asked to travel to Foreign Country next week in your place. Can you give me some background information on this project? What exactly am I to do with the vendor? Witness testing? Verify testing completion? Are there any documents I need to review?"
IN YOUR PLACE. Yeah. Boss-man must have told him that I was supposed to go and other guy was taking my place. And, that I somehow knew everything about this project (I've only been very tangentially involved) and to ask me what to do.
I wrote back to other guy and told him this, and he laughed.