So, I got a rather unique opportunity back in October. Buddy of mine shoots me a message and asks me if I'd be interested in going to see rally cars in the UP. (Upper Peninsula, or Upper Michigan). I said let me run it by the wife and the wifes' reply was basically "You had better go, or I'm going to kill you". So I went to rally. These are just the albums I dumped all the photos to every night, after repeatedly drooling over the Subaru teams of Pastrana and Block (who happened to be staying at one of the two hotels we were at). Pastrana is a cool character BTW. One morning as we're getting ready to go to stage, or something, couple of kids are watching Nitro Circus on the TV in the free donuts room. Pastrana walks in, grabs a donut, and sits down next to the kids, and starts telling em all kinda behind the scenes stuff. As it turns out, the dune buggies in one of the later episodes are the only things that those people have acquired and not broken. So whoever made the dune buggies gets a gold star. Anyhow, onto the pics. There are a couple random ones in there, but mostly rally. I'm too lazy to make a not suck file and only put good pics in it, so here ya go.