Unfortunately, while I won't be competing at the Rallye Baie Des Chaleurs this year, I will be crewing for my former team (Hardyboy Racing). 10,000kms of towing over the course of 12 days! I leave Monday June 24th and get back Thursday July 4th. And yes, I am doing the trip by myself in a regular cab, long box 2wd duramax (only towing around 7k pounds though). This is the 3rd round of the Canadian Rally Championship.
Hardy Schmidtke runs a Evo8/9 prepped by RTK Motorsports based out of New York. A full on open class car making tons of power and running a dogbox (no sequential though).
If people don't remember what happened last time I tried a similiar trip back in January 2012...
This is what the rig looked like last time: