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Agent98 Reader
10/11/22 5:51 p.m.

And the hassle...think of how frustrating it would be to have to call the landlord again and again to fix that toiket.....

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
11/21/22 8:43 a.m.

This kitchen wall SUUUUUUUCKS. There is old vermiculite bullE36 M3 insulation in the southern wall of the kitchen, aka, where all my cabinets are. My jars of stuff need to thaw before I can use them. 

I feel like with my luck the vermiculite would have to come out for foam to go in, which makes it a no go because all the aforementioned cabinets.

Can we just hit a small 6 figure lotto win so I can tear this place to studs and rebuild properly?

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/2/23 6:23 p.m.

I think I finally got the pellet stove sorted. I still want to drill out the holes in the fire pot, but it's running good again. I need to find a 90 degree Phillips screwdriver to get one of the ash cleanout plates out. 

For records purposes though, between November and December of 22, new door gasket, clean out T, vacuum hose to switch. 


Plans for this year start with paying off the Lowes card. 

  • Move big toolbox and possibly shelves to bottom garage
  • 20 yards of gravel for driveway
  • Replace wall light at back door
  • Mount pole light in gravel driveway
  • Replace remaining outdoor lights with LEDs
  • Install lights in lower kitchen cabinet
  • Install water filter on kitchen sink

If money permits

  • Replace dining room floor with LVP
  • Bathroom renovation
  • Point of use hot water for teenagers sink to cut out that loop
RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/24/23 9:52 p.m.

Big toolbox is moved. Now to find motivation to get organized. And maybe finish welding casters on the welding cart I started a couple weeks ago. 

As probably seen in another thread, we've decided to do a run of meat birds this year. I have a bunch of pvc leftover from when I was going to build a garden trellis, so it'll be the frame for the coop and cover 1/4 of the garden. Plan being I'll do a set of birds, move it for the next set, then in following years rotate it through the garden, tiling in every fall and spring as usual. 

On second thought, might just do it every few years after the first time to prevent too much nitrogen buildup. 

Going to go with freedom Rangers, as they'll forage more than just sit and eat all day. Probably 6-8 at a time, should be 10-11 weeks to be ready to dress. 

I want to do bees but I'm not allowed. 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/2/23 7:01 p.m.

I got a dumpster today. Wanted a 5, settled for a 10. Could probably fill a 20.

 just the first hour it was here

 all that dark? Covered in brush and junk since we bought the place. Brake pads, lines, blown out galvanized air line, chunks of pipe, an ECU from something. All gone now, I could probably park 4 wide if I had to. 


The chickens started laying again a couple weeks ago, averaging 8 a day from the flock.

 my next layer flock is going to be all Brahma, those eggs are just enormous, as are the birds.

RandolphCarter Reader
3/3/23 9:26 a.m.
RevRico said:

I want to do bees but I'm not allowed. 


Bees are a mixed bag. Everyone I know that's gone through the effort has had the hive up and leave 75% of the time. The other times they either made lots of honey, died off, or didn't make very much honey.

It makes sense if you have a large amount of fruit trees to get pollinated and/or are retired. Otherwise support local beekeepers and buy honey from them.


And, it really is amazing how fast dumpsters fill up.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/7/23 3:35 p.m.

 spring cleaning continues. Everything except my dad's bottles of hardware, my heavy duty welding cart, hydraulic press, and a small set of wire shelves is out of the snake garage and into the garage I actually use. There was a set of chincy wooden shelves in that section of wall before. Friction fit no less. 

I'm going to have at least one full day of organizing everything, finding odds and ends, labeling stuffs, but I might finally have an organized space again and be able to find the stuff I need when I need it. 

preach (dudeist priest)
preach (dudeist priest) GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/7/23 4:22 p.m.

Find any more snakes?

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/7/23 4:49 p.m.

In reply to preach (dudeist priest) :

Not yet. We're still dipping below freezing at night. I'm pretending that keeps them away so I can transfer and clean. Whole bunch of tools I never used because of where they were I need to find new excuses not to use. 

Have found quite a few skins though

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/9/23 12:52 p.m.

7 more Brahma. This is why I don't take the wife to farm and family fun center. 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/26/23 2:30 p.m.

Upstairs bathroom got remodeled, glad I linked that in the first post before late edits went away. 

That really put a hold on things for this year, and probably next year, because it put me in a deep financial hole. On the plus side, nothing else has really required my attention this year and all the supply side plumbing is new, direct runs, that are labeled. Still getting water pressure spikes though. 

We're going to have to redo the back deck and get gravel next year somehow. They just both need done. And another mattress, a real one with springs and no memory foam bullE36 M3. 

golfduke Dork
12/27/23 9:47 a.m.
RevRico said
. And another mattress, a real one with springs and no memory foam bullE36 M3. 

Amen to that.  Tried that experiment, did not enjoy.  4/10, will not do again. 


RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/4/24 10:45 p.m.

Wow, fencing is expensive. It's gonna cost almost $700 just to turn the back yard into a coop. That's if I have enough pipe left over for frame work and it doesn't shatter when I bend it. 

One time expense, I just have to keep that in mind. We're just going to cage the backyard from garage to garage. I'm going to attempt to build some sort of walking platform so when they devour all the grass we can still get through the place. Don't know how I'm going to keep anything above ground long term though. Will be much less frustrating not needing to mow it anymore, so definitely a win. 

I'm also going to build some grass frames. These are boxes made of 2x4s with hardware cloth on the top side. The chickens can't peck through the tiny hole so the grass can actually grow up and keep them with a steady supply. 

The "finished" side of the basement leaks in heavy rain. I'm going to try to borrow a digger this summer if I can't talk someone into buying me a mini ex and I guess put a French drain down the side of the house and hope that fixes it. There's not enough room to run one along the back of the house, and I don't want to ruin the floor putting in an internal French drain. So dig the whole way down, gravel, pipe, fill it in.

Getting good plastic weed barrier for the garden this year. I'm hoping to get multiple years out of it. I still haven't started the seeds though. 

I think I'm going to hire out the deck rebuild. I don't need the extra headache this summer. 


Sold the boilers, left a weird gap in the floor I gotta do something with. 

Not sure how I'm going to fix that either. Probably borrow Nissantechs 2 bag cement mixer and pour it into one big pad, maybe a ramp. 

Tractor is getting new front wheels because mounted tires weren't much more than loose. 

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