It's 07:00, I got in from Leesville, La. at 1:00 this morning.
Hess was right, Ft. Polk is best seen through a rear view mirror.
Nothing but cheap motels, tatto/piercing parlors and why all the mexican restaraunts?
I shipped my gear out on Friday, overnight Fed-Ex and it arrive at the hotel on Saturday. I arrived Monday afternoon and there's no equipment! The weapon I am to inspect is going to a railhead next week and off to Afghanistan, WTF?
My junk was on one side of the lobby, someone else's junk was on the other and the woman behind the counter knows nothing. I contacted Fed-Ex, they told me who signed for my stuff and it was the same woman. Now she remembers, maybe the Fed-Ex guy made new tags, put them on your equipment and sent if off to Florida.
One container had a camera on a stick, high resolution forward camera and a dise facing camers that shoots photos and video and can also lay a grid pattern down for measurement, it's about $25k. All day Tuesday I had nothing to do in a town full of rain and flat. Ate breakfast out, had a Mexican lunch, mexican dinner, drank Coronas for dessert.
Anywho.... They sliced a hot pepper down the middle, gutted and roasted it. Put a chicken finger thing in the center with a chunk of dense cheese, wrapped the whole thing in bacon and either broiled it or deep fried it.
{robably deep fried, this is Louisiana. Served with rice, tomato and avacado.
I'm going to experiment, but is anyone has this or a similar recipe, lemme know.
Thanx, Dan