Meh. First bond jump may have been a bit much, but she was pretty much mocking the Judge from the get go. Apparently, she felt the need to get one more dig in, he jumped her bond up, she flipped him off. At that point, if he DOESN'T find her in contempt, he's going to lose control of his courtroom for good. Anyone that thinks otherwise has never dealt with criminals. Had he been more harsh with her from the get go and required her to behave like an adult, maybe this never would have happened, but ultimately she's the one who called him out. Reminds me of a certain scene from Gran Torino.
914Driver wrote:
The girl wasn't taking it serious at all.
Part of her problem is it looks like this is some remote court or video feed? When I went in front of a judge at 18 for my stupid crap I was nervous and serious. Standing 6 feet from a judge helps the seriousness side of it.
She also acted like she was high....
Watching that, I don't think her behavior was rude at first. Not as sober and direct as I would have been, but she answered when spoken to. Before flipping him off, the worst she did was laugh a bit. She looked a bit out of it, she looked like she didn't get it. I did not see how, "adios" was rude. She looked like really nervous and/or stoned.
Flipping the judge off and telling him "berkeley you" definitely gets you in trouble though. Can't side with her on that, but I don't buy "adios" costing $5000. Ain't no innocent people here.
Grizz wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
She was brought in for having xanax, it's not like she committed an actual crime or anything.
But yes, we must punish people for being mildly snarky. It's not their fault the judge was on the rag that morning.
She was charged with possession of illegal narcotics. It's against the law. Don't like it, change the law. But until then, you have to abide by them. You want to be a snarky little bitch, be prepared to pay the consequences.
but, then again, in our society no one is responsible for anything they do. How DARE we hold someone responsible for their actions. SHAME on us. SHAME.
2/6/13 1:55 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote:
Grizz wrote:
Far as I'm concerned the Judge was an shiny happy person.
Someone upped my bail by five berkeleying grand because I said adios
Then said adios to her back... I heard that this morning.
The guy should be reprimanded. He abused his power. It might be funny, but it's irresponsible.
I don't think it was the "adios" that was the problem. I think it was the laughter and general demeanor.
I'm all for big restrictions on governmental power, but sometimes you need to make an idiot shut the hell up.
2/6/13 1:55 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
but, then again, in our society no one is responsible for anything they do. How DARE we hold someone responsible for their actions. SHAME on us. SHAME.
I'll agree with that. But not for the reason you wrote it.
Just think, if the judge hadn't been an shiny happy person because she berkeleying DARED to say ADIOS(that vile bitch) and jumped her bond by five berkeleying grand she never would have flipped him off in the first berkeleying place.
I don't even give a E36 M3 about it. My first thought when I saw the vid was that I'd kinda like to throw it in lil miss Soto. It was only the crusty old berkeleys giggling about it in the restaurant that pissed me off about it.
I haven't hit my daily berkeley quota yet. berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeleyity berkeley berkeley.
Also, this place has ruined me, there's a road sign for berkeley lane nearby and I really want to take it because it makes me giggle.
Bobzilla wrote:
Yes, we must be nice to criminals. It's not their fault they were breaking the law.
There are no guilty people in a bail hearing. You aren't a criminal until you are convicted. But... we are only enforcing the laws you like right?
EDIT: He didn't even have to be nice. All he had to do was not call her back in the first time. I mean... really, is that the first vajajayy 18yr old he has ever seen? Not punching every shiny happy person you meet is a sign of maturity.
I took her "adios" as a flip to his hispanic accent.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote:
dont be a sh!thead, and you have nothing to worry about...
A judge who swings his cock around because he can is something to worry about. Sometimes people who don't think they did anything wrong and haven't been convicted of anything get surly when treated like criminals.
Professionals ought to act like professionals. Thirty days for not being polite is being a E36 M3head.
Hes the Judge, and its his court to swing his cock around in...dont like it, thats cool, appoint a new judge. Or better yet, keep your nose clean and dont end up in front of him to begin with.
Typically, I dont side with the gubmint, nor their cronies, because theyre usually assclowns, but this guy, who has to deal with meth addicts and hookers all day to try and keep the streets clean for the rest of us, I dont hold much against him for saying "bye bye". She may have only said "adios", but she was also being a smartass little @$#^ that rhymes with swat in court, where she was placed for breaking laws, and I think $5k for that is nothing big
an a-hole with a gun pointed at you is indeed an a-hole, and he may deserve to get his ass kicked for pointing a gun at you, but so long as hes the only guy with a gun, its likely you need to show him a little respect.
Grizz wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
She was brought in for having xanax, it's not like she committed an actual crime or anything.
It's difficult to know all the backstory. But if she was in court over it, then there's an EXCELLENT chance she broke the law. Possession of Xanax without a prescription is illegal.
The judge asked her how much the jewelry was worth to gauge whether she could afford the $5,000 bond, he even says that on the video. She would not directly answer his question and treated the whole thing as a joke until he called her back and raised the bond amount, obviously to get her attention.
Grizz wrote:
But yes, we must punish people for being mildly snarky. It's not their fault the judge was on the rag that morning.
Giving the finger to someone you don't know who did something you don't like is NOT mildly snarky. In many places that's an invitation to a punch in the nose. Try this: walk into a biker bar and give the whole place the finger.
Maybe it's OK when you are messing around with your buddies etc. but it has no place in a court of law.
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
Watched the entire video, I'd say she was in contempt from the start and that the judge was trying to impress upon her the seriousness of the situation. Looks like he had to bop this one a little harder to get her to understand.
I wasn't going to sit through 30 secs of commercial to get to the video, but glad to hear its what I suspected.
Grizz wrote:
Also, this place has ruined me, there's a road sign for berkeley lane nearby and I really want to take it because it makes me giggle.
someone (I think it was Tommy Suddard) posted a pic of a "Berkley Math Club" shirt they found and bought...I hated the math club kids at my school too 

2/6/13 2:15 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Giving the finger to someone you don't know who did something you don't like is NOT mildly snarky.
The mildly snarky bit wasn't the finger. It was the adios.
Say I'm a parts jockey, and someone is being a bit of a dildo to me, does that give me the right to double the price of their transmission? berkeley no, so why does it justify him doubling her bond?
4cylndrfury wrote:
Grizz wrote:
Also, this place has ruined me, there's a road sign for berkeley lane nearby and I really want to take it because it makes me giggle.
someone (I think it was Tommy Suddard) posted a pic of a "Berkley Math Club" shirt they found and bought...I hated the math club kids at my school too
Makes me laugh every time I drive by the sign on I80.

Grizz wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote:
Giving the finger to someone you don't know who did something you don't like is NOT mildly snarky.
The mildly snarky bit wasn't the finger. It was the adios.
Say I'm a parts jockey, and someone is being a bit of a dildo to me, does that give me the right to double the price of their transmission? berkeley no, so why does it justify him doubling her bond?
I have no idea how you think this is the same. This guy is a judge, not a parts jockey. THe customer is in there on his own volition.
And yes, I have had some parts guys give me the high retail price before. But not since FLAPS came along
2/6/13 2:37 p.m.
In reply to spitfirebill:
Okay, I'll try to word it better then, I'm only running on half as much caffiene as usual.
Judges are supposed to be impartial, yeah? How is going out of your way to add more punishment on to somebody for a perceived slight impartial? The contempt of court charge is the judges own fault, because his childish reaction is what brought it about.
Grizz wrote:
In reply to spitfirebill:
Okay, I'll try to word it better then, I'm only running on half as much caffiene as usual.
Judges are supposed to be impartial, yeah? How is going out of your way to add more punishment on to somebody for a perceived slight impartial? The contempt of court charge is the judges own fault, because his childish reaction is what brought it about.
Well I can assure you every judge I have ever come across was anything but impartial. Granted, these are usually municipal judges or magistates.
I often go into courthouses to do records searches. Almost every courthouse door now has a sign on it that says "flip flops and tank tops are not appropriate wear for court". This is the kind of people judges are seeing on a daily basis.
I'm going to go back to my original assertion that she was not taking the whole thing seriously. That judge has probably done her a world of good, maybe she will understand that being a crook and a smartass is not the most intelligent way to live a life. If her 'rents and teachers didn't get through to her, maybe he will.
In the immortal words of the great Dean Wormer:

Grizz wrote:
In reply to spitfirebill:
Okay, I'll try to word it better then, I'm only running on half as much caffiene as usual.
Judges are supposed to be impartial, yeah? How is going out of your way to add more punishment on to somebody for a perceived slight impartial? The contempt of court charge is the judges own fault, because his childish reaction is what brought it about.
as long as he did not violate the bond limit for the charge, he's all good. impartial means all people treated the same; it does not mean he can not raise her bond.
4cylndrfury wrote:
As far as Im concerned, if youre in court, facing a bond hearing, because you were caught in possession of illegal substances, and you do anything but "Yes Sir, No Sir", then you deserve...
Picking nits here, but IIRC the proper form of address for a judge is "Your Honor", not just "Sir". :)
DrBoost wrote:
I took her "adios" as a flip to his hispanic accent.
I'm glad you mentioned that. If it was a racial crack at a judge, I'd say that's a legit bond jump. I just assumed that the girl was latina as well (let's stereotype Miami!
If that is the case, then the only thing I have against the judge was the "bye-bye". A simple "Next, please." or something would have sufficed.
2/6/13 4:08 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Grizz wrote:
My first thought when I saw the vid was that I'd kinda like to throw it in lil miss Soto.
Hahaha! Awesome.
I'm going to agree on this one.
As adios is considered a goodbye, I don't see anything to jump bond amount......contempt was the correct call to the finger and berkeley you, but it'll get tossed out later due to cause/effect.
Bob, for the record it was possession of prescription meds without a prescription.....and she is innocent until proven guilty anyways, so treat it as such.
Grizz wrote:
mtn wrote:
For all you folks who think the judge was in the wrong, have you watched the video? Because I had the same reaction until I did.
Yes, I did. The judge was also being an shiny happy person from the start.
Okay. Just watched the video and I agree. The chick was F*CKING HIIIIIIIGH too though. How long do they give you when you're all berkeleyed up to get your E36 M3 together before arraignment? She looked like she was still all Xany'd up. Couldn't stop playing with her hair, acting all goofy, couldn't stand still. Judge acted like he was playing along, laughing, and smiling.
If the point is "You should take this E36 M3 seriously," it didn't look like the judge was taking it really seriously to start. It looked like he was flirting. I don't see her saying "Adios" as a diss to the judge. They are obviously both of latin descent.
Of course, flipping the judge off is contempt. Do not pass "go," do not collect $200. But yeah, they were both being smartasses. I don't see any reason for it to have escalated to that point. I don't know what's within a judge's rights, but I would've had that bitch drug tested, and told her to come back for arraignment when she was SOBER.