poopshovel wrote:
Okay. Just watched the video and I agree. The chick was F*CKING HIIIIIIIGH too though. Couldn't stop playing with her hair, acting all goofy, couldn't stand still. Judge acted like he was playing along, laughing, and smiling.
If the point is "You should take this E36 M3 seriously," it didn't look like the judge was taking it really seriously to start. It looked like he was flirting. I don't see her saying "Adios" as a diss to the judge. They are obviously both of latin descent.
Of course, flipping the judge off is contempt. Do not pass "go," do not collect $200. But yeah, they were both being smartasses. I don't see any reason for it to have escalated to that point. I don't know what's within a judge's rights, but I would've had that bitch drug tested, and told her to come back for arraignment when she was SOBER.
+1 on all counts.
Hell, here in CA, I say "adios" to other whities around here. It's a common farewell.
Threw a ninja edit on that last post. How long do they give someone to sober up before arraignment (wait...I should know this
) She was either on a permanent Xany bar vacation or was still high from the ones they caught her with.
Hell, here in CA, I say "adios" to other whities around here. It's a common farewell.
In my neck of the woods, it's typically only used in conjunction with "mother berkeleyer." But yeah, I lived in South Florida for a long time too. Not a diss from one cholo to another. 
poopshovel wrote:
Threw a ninja edit on that last post. How long do they give someone to sober up before arraignment (wait...I should know this
) She was either on a permanent Xany bar vacation or was still high from the ones they caught her with.
...or she got another one while in custody waiting for arraignment.
poopshovel wrote:
Hell, here in CA, I say "adios" to other whities around here. It's a common farewell.
In my neck of the woods, it's typically only used in conjunction with "mother berkeleyer." But yeah, I lived in South Florida for a long time too. Not a diss from one cholo to another.
I have been known to slur out "Adios Amoebas" when leaving a room but I'm mentally retarded.
I guess the 1st amendment doesn't apply in court. It's not the judge's courtroom. It's the public's courtroom. Lets get that straight before we give these berkeleying guys god-status. He's supposed to be the bigger person. Would I have wanted to slap her? Sure. Is it prudent to be polite in a courtroom? Sure.
914Driver wrote:
The girl wasn't taking it serious at all.
Bet she does next time.
and I'll also bet there IS a next time 
Grizz wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
She was brought in for having xanax, it's not like she committed an actual crime or anything.
But yes, we must punish people for being mildly snarky. It's not their fault the judge was on the rag that morning.
is it against the law to posses xanax ? or did I miss something here ... and yeah I also was raised in a yes Sir, no Sir atmosphere ... doesn't ever hurt, and usually helps
I don't know either you Grizz or Zomby, but I have a hard time believing you're not pulling our collective legs 
She was warned to take this matter seriously by the judge. She thought it was a joke and found out otherwise. She got what was coming to her. The next time she's in court I'm betting she knows how to behave.
spitfirebill wrote:
Grizz wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote:
Giving the finger to someone you don't know who did something you don't like is NOT mildly snarky.
The mildly snarky bit wasn't the finger. It was the adios.
Say I'm a parts jockey, and someone is being a bit of a dildo to me, does that give me the right to double the price of their transmission? berkeley no, so why does it justify him doubling her bond?
I have no idea how you think this is the same. This guy is a judge, not a parts jockey. THe customer is in there on his own volition.
And yes, I have had some parts guys give me the high retail price before. But not since FLAPS came along
does that stand for Friendly/Favorite Local Auto Parts Store
As an add, I'm betting that flippant attitude is what landed her in jail to start with. Most cops don't appreciate it any more than the judge did.
Toyman01 wrote:
As an add, I'm betting that flippant attitude is what landed her in jail to start with. Most cops don't appreciate it any more than the judge did.
Bingo, I was gonna say that too
codrus wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Threw a ninja edit on that last post. How long do they give someone to sober up before arraignment (wait...I should know this
) She was either on a permanent Xany bar vacation or was still high from the ones they caught her with.
...or she got another one while in custody waiting for arraignment.
Entirely possible, says this guy who lives with a county Detention Officer. I asked her about it, she does what she can, but where she works a simple arrest isn't grounds for a full cavity scan. She also mentions that she's not going to do a full-tilt nasty cavity search on anyone for less than twice the salary she's making at the moment..
Judges constipation
has gone to his head
Wife's aggravation
You'll soon end up dead
Yeah judges have waay too much power to play games with. 
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
I guess the 1st amendment doesn't apply in court. It's not the *judge's* courtroom. It's the public's courtroom. Lets get that straight before we give these berkeleying guys god-status. He's supposed to be the bigger person. Would I have wanted to slap her? Sure. Is it prudent to be polite in a courtroom? Sure.
Way too late to not give judges that kind of power. It's been that way for years. Same as a cop can pull you for speeding on the public's highways and hand you a ticket.
Truth: A judge has absolute power in his courtroom. He can do just about anything he sees fit to maintain order. They can and do put people in the pokey for contempt of court. They have the power to set bail, there are guidelines but they are just that, guidelines. Can he get called on it later? Sure, happens all the time. But at the time he/she has done what they needed to do to maintain order or to protect the public. That's why people accused of heinous crimes get hit with stupid big bail, that way they stay in the pokey.
Running a courtroom's not much different than raising kids; if your kids discover at a young age they can talk back to Mom and Dad with no repercussions, well we have idiots like this girl at age 18 standing there in an orange boiler suit thinking she's Queen E36 M3 of Turd Mountain, nothing will EVER happen to her because she's never been taken to task for her actions. The judge woke her young ass right up, introduced her to that concept.
If he let her get away with that, you can bet it would be all over the jailhouse in about three nanoseconds. The next day would have been a complete zoo.
Judges (and I've known a few) tend to be no-nonsense types. They have to be; they are expected to render judgment. For a perfect example of what happens when a judge loses control of his or her courtroom, see the OJ Simpson trial. That thing became a freakin' media circus. THAT is why judges don't allow any E36 M3 in their courtrooms.
DuctTape&Bondo wrote:
Watched the entire video, I'd say she was in contempt from the start and that the judge was trying to impress upon her the seriousness of the situation. Looks like he had to bop this one a little harder to get her to understand.
And if he had dinged her earlier when she deserved it, he'd have my support.
But he didn't. He dropped the formality when he said "bye bye" and she merely responded in kind, potentially not even intending any disrespect at that point.
She absolutely deserved to get dinged earlier. She further deserved to get dinged at the end. But in no way was the ding for the "Adios" reasonable, and without that the final one doesn't happen either.
does that stand for Friendly/Favorite Local Auto Parts Store
The fair and balanced news channel said raising the bail for punishment isn't legal. This incident will be reviewed by another judge. Don't know about the contempt.
As I said, yes a judge can get called on excessive bail or other conduct.
I watched the video twice, the judge warned her AT LEAST TWICE that she needed to take the proceedings seriously ('we are not in a club') and she chose to continue acting like an ass, plus she refused to answer a direct question about the value of the jewelry, he even says she can sell it to make bail but she refused to answer the question again.On a second count, bail was 'ROR' (release on own recognizance). He might should have revoked the ROR on the second count and hit her for $5k on that one too.
Still say she got what she deserved.
fasted58 wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
As an add, I'm betting that flippant attitude is what landed her in jail to start with. Most cops don't appreciate it any more than the judge did.
Bingo, I was gonna say that too
Big plus juan. That first ammendment sh1t's all fine and cute till Barney's having a bad day. Having spent more time than I'd care to admit as "the defendant," you learn to just STFU and play the goddamned game. Cops/judges are people just like everybody else. They expect a certain degree of respect. Just because you pay their salaries doesn't mean you can piss in their faces, nor should you.
This why our society is falling apart.
Respect the court and treat it as serious and you won't get contempt charges.
Don't break drug laws and you wont end up in front of a Judge.
20 years ago this is how the world worked, and nobody ever gave the judge the bird.
Now everybody is blaming the Judge because a disrespectful brat acted like a berkeleying E36 M3head and he responded with a strong statement
Began a long time ago w/ disrespect of parents, then elders, then teachers, then authority like police... need I go on.
.... The courtroom is just progression 
2/6/13 9:44 p.m.
It's bail, guys. Bail.
It's not a punishment. It's an insurance policy that the defendant will come to court.
The judge is charged with the responsibility of setting bail. It's kind of a random thing (with guidelines). He doesn't know her, or her background.
He has to determine what will hurt enough that she will come back. He asked the questions to try to determine this. She did not answer.
So, his response was kinda random. That's the way the system works.
He DID NOT abuse his power. He was COMPLETELY within the power that he is granted under the law (though it was bad form to change his mind).
However, he did make one big mistake. It never should have been about respect or him being a shiny happy person. When he asked if she was on drugs and she failed to respond appropriately, he should have ordered an immediate drug test. She was in contempt of court when she showed up high. When the test confirmed his suspicions, he should have thrown the book at her for contempt, as well as the appropriate charges for possession, usage, perjury, etc.
2/7/13 7:33 a.m.
^This. She didn't take $5000 seriously. The point of bail is to ensure you return for your hearing. If you don't take $5000 seriously then you are probably willing to forfeit that amount and not return for your hearing. He increased the amount to get the defendant to take the situation seriously.
She was acting like a spoiled little brat with an attitude that none of this mattered and if anything he should have dropped the hammer sooner but he tried to be nice and get her to play along nice.
Teach your kids respect for authority, even if you don't agree with that authority, it will serve them well.