10/12/18 6:45 p.m.
We lost our old mate this morning. At 15, nearly 16, Roxy had a great run, and the old girls tail wagged right up till her last night.
I'm not normally one for tears, and am usually pretty stoic and straight faced when funerals come around, but this one's shattered me

R.I.P Roxy
Very sorry for your loss. Pets are the best.
:( sorry for your loss. Animals are hard to lose.
10/12/18 7:16 p.m.
Sorry you had to say good by to Roxy, our furry friends become such a big part of our lives. She will live on in your heart. It looks like she was quite a cutie.
10/12/18 7:22 p.m.
If it didn’t shatter you, you’re not fully human. She looks like a peach, and I’m glad she was happy to the end. Our thoughts are with you folks.
So sorry to hear Daeman. It's so hard when you lose a pet, they take a piece of your heart with them when they go. The good news is that she will always be with you in spirit, and she wouldn't want you to be sad.
I’m so sorry for your loss:(
10/12/18 7:52 p.m.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Very much appreciated. I know it's going to get easier, but today's going to be rough...
Our other dog Harley just went looking for his mum for the "howevermanyeth" time and started howling, that broke me
Sorry to hear that, mate.
10/12/18 9:24 p.m.
Sorry for your loss, daeman
Very sorry for your loss.
She looked very happy in the pic, I'm sure she had a great life.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my Sophie in April at 11 years and we had her since she was 5 months. She will never be able to be replaced. We were offered a new fur baby at the end of August when we felt was the time in the guise of a pit bull we named Ace. 10 weeks old and looking for a family. We will live on but never forget. The toughest part was our cats. They loved Soph. They barely tolerated Ace, until he grew bigger than them. Now they tolerate him. It's complicated. It's always hard to lose a dog. The words are never appropriate to console...
I'm so sorry. It hurts so much to lose a pet. I do tend to figure that when the humans are really broken up over the loss, that's a good sign the animal was well-loved and had a good life. She sure looks happy in the pic.
RIP Roxy, enjoy chasing slow fat rabbits in the doggy afterlife.
Sorry for your loss, she looks like a happy, loved family member.
I’m sorry to hear this, very sad
10/13/18 2:59 p.m.
Again, a very big thank you to everyone for your kind words, it's really appreciated. I thought I'd gone at least some way to preparing myself for this... I was wrong.
Roxy was our first dog, my partner and I got her not long after we moved out together, she's been an awesome dog, an eternal puppy at heart.
We dragged ourselves out for a walk while Harley was sleeping yesterday afternoon, grabbed him a nice big meaty bone from the butcher up the street. Seeing that tail go and how much he enjoyed finally getting to enjoy a bone without Roxy trying to steal it was a welcome distraction for all of us.
Unfortunately for Harley, reality set in around 2 am, he's heartbroken .....