3/1/13 12:20 p.m.
Yeah, sometimes people don't realize. One of my neighbours regularly parked her Cavalier in front of my house - in the middle of two spots. I had to park right up against her bumper to fit my truck in. One day she flipped out on me, wondering why... I pointed out that there was nearly an entire parking spot in front of her, and if she parked properly there'd be ample room for both of us. No problems after that 
golfduke wrote:
You know what brings property values down?
When I was living out in Washington state and the neighbors complained about the quaility of the landscaping, I just replied that I was trying to keep housing affordable in our neighborhood
They never bothered to talk to me about it again...
Karacticus wrote:
golfduke wrote:
You know what brings property values down?
When I was living out in Washington state and the neighbors complained about the quaility of the landscaping, I just replied that I was trying to keep housing affordable in our neighborhood
They never bothered to talk to me about it again...
That's easy just buy another POS to hide the ugly landscaping
Karacticus wrote:
golfduke wrote:
You know what brings property values down?
When I was living out in Washington state and the neighbors complained about the quaility of the landscaping, I just replied that I was trying to keep housing affordable in our neighborhood
They never bothered to talk to me about it again...
This past fall I was moving a mattress to my house. I had backed my 74 F-100 up to the front porch. My friend Chris was helping me. I had forgotten to unlock the front door. As I went around back to get in the house the guy acroos the street, that knows Chris, hollared "Is he moving out?" . As I open the front door Chris replied " No he has a new mattress". The neighbor looked crestfallen. I too try too keep housing affordable.
3/1/13 12:39 p.m.
I parked my 323 on the front lawn with the hood up. Told the shiny happy folk if they didn't grow up, I'd start hanging out my laundry on the porch.
3/1/13 12:55 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
mtn wrote:
What is "my garage"? How big is it?
Click on Corey's avatar to see all the cars in "his garage".
It sounds like you have the right plan Corey, move the cars and let it go.
Methinks you missed a golden opportunity to post the standard ECM response of "shotgun".
I would have begged for the name. You can't do anything without it. If I got a random letter in my mailbox like the one you propose to write, I'd probably think you were a weirdo. I can think of ALL KINDS of fun things to do once you know who it is, though.
Ya gots to know who yer shootin' at, doncha?
I mean, unless your're the vice prez.
It's been years since I had any problems like this, the last one was a really ratty TR6 that I bought only for the overdrive transmission and a few other bits. I was living in an apartment complex and some of my neighbors didn't appreciate it. 
Complying with the ordinances is a good start. If the person is a true jerk, it won't be the last time anything is said. Those types of personalities never give up once challenged. While it'll be tempting to stick it to them, it just escalates things until you are miserable. Do what the officer suggested, continue to be a nice guy, and things will go your way. Casually mention it to the neighbor you are most friendly with if you are truly curious, they'll likely find out the straight scoop for you. You'll probably find that the person is the bain of everyone's existence.
I must say, when I read this stuff, I'm happy with my decision to live in the boonies. I have very few neighbors. Thankfully, all the ones I do have are good eggs.
3/1/13 2:00 p.m.
You could always put up a 12ft privacy fence topped with razor wire......
If I had the room I would.
3/1/13 2:42 p.m.
golfduke wrote:
ahhh, passive aggressive bitchy neighbors. I do not miss those days... Getting letters about my 944 bringing the value of our community down and how my lawn should never exceed 3.5" in length to blend in with others...
I reduced my busybody neighbor to tears after she got mouthy with my wife over some BS. I went full Ray Liotta and screamed at her to the point that my throat hurt.
Led off with "DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK TO MY WIFE AGAIN YOU MISERABLE berkeleyING BUSYBODY!!!!" She didn't know what hit her after I was done.
Relationship destroyed, no berkeleys given by me. When it's time to paint my house, I'm tempted to paint the wall adjacent to her house neon green or pink just to make her head explode.
No HOA, so I can do that. 
My nearest neighbor is over a mile away. They don't complain much, not gonna lie.
3/1/13 4:15 p.m.
Neighbor once made a good natured but backhanded remark about one of my BABE rally rejects. I reciprocated by mulling out loud how said POS was a string of christmas lights away from being lawn art and I'd be happy to defend my right to art in court.
He suddenly seemed to appreciate an un-lit junker in my driveway as opposed to a lit one on the lawn.
In reply to gamby:
In a discussion about HOA's a while back, one guy said he was going to paint his house purple and then put a 3 foot bronze dick on the front porch. 
This past fall I was moving a mattress to my house. I had backed my 74 F-100 up to the front porch. My friend Chris was helping me. I had forgotten to unlock the front door. As I went around back to get in the house the guy acroos the street, that knows Chris, hollared "Is he moving out?" . As I open the front door Chris replied " No he has a new mattress". The neighbor looked crestfallen. I too try too keep housing affordable.
Friend/coworker had to leave town for an extended period suddenly due to his mother's illness and death, so he was unable to do his move from apartment into a house he still manage to do a long distance closing on.
Bunch of us took care of the move for him, but the neighbors were concerned about what would have looked like a frat house moving in. They stopped by to ask which of us was moving in.
"Oh, it's none of us, but you'll meet him as soon as he's out on parole."
3/1/13 7:58 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
FranktheTank wrote:
My nearest neighbor is over a mile away. They don't complain much, not gonna lie.
Livin the dream.
Mine that far away wigged out over heavy volumes of gunfire plus large explosions......the wife evidently bitched up a storm claiming her husband was having flashbacks to Nam....
After speaking with the multitude of other neighbors, who live the same distance, farther and even closer, they all agreed they needed to choke on a bag of dicks......2 did thank me for it being during daylight hours this time though. 
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
I don't know but it does. When I lived with my parents and had my tow truck some people got the town to pass an ordanence saying no commercial vehicles in residential driveways. It started as a despute between a plumber down the street and the old lady next door. Once it passed 7 of us on our street had to rent spaces for our trucks and vans. When they wrote the law instead of going by vehicle size they said anything with commercial plates. He bought the uglist cheapest Mack he could find and registered it as an RV. Her bedroom was next to his driveway and 2-3 times a week he'd take the Mack out to pick up beer in the middle of the night. It must have weak compressor because every time he started it he'd have to rev the piss out of it to build up air pressure.
Start buying the homes around you as rentals. Keep any detached garages as car stashes. No one left to complain at that point!
i moved from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 1 acre lot 1/2 mile outside of town in February of 2002... by May, i had somehow accumulated something like 6 cars that i was going to part out.. i had 4 of them parked in a nice neat line along the fence on the back edge of the property, not visible from the road. i even took the plates off and covered up the VIN plates on the dash and locked the doors just because why not?. from the road, my little slice of paradise looked like a cute little house with a decent sized pole barn shop on a neatly groomed fenced in lot. and it was zoned agricultural, too. the only visible clues anyone got about my weirdness was the pair of 9C1 Caprices that were parked in the driveway and the multi colored Nova that you could see inside the shop when the door was open- but i'm sure the people that had to drive past my house to get from the town to the exclusive members only golf course 1/2 mile past me were understanding people that wouldn't care about what kind of cars i drove..
anyways, i got a certified letter from the county sometime in June about my "junk" cars- complete with VINs and license plate numbers that i have no idea how they were able to get- and a copy of the county statute that pertained to inoperable vehicles... so i responded in the only logical way i could think of- i transferred the titles to all of the vehicles (which i had mostly got to part out) into my name and bought tabs for them... then the next time i had to mow the lawn, i drove them all around to the front yard and lined them up in front of the house. they sat out there for the whole summer, getting moved every week when i had to mow the grass under them. i always rearranged them and moved them slightly closer to the front fence every time i moved them. sometimes they were lined up nice and neat, and sometimes they were just jammed in there at random angles.. but the rusty Ford 3/4 ton van and rusty 1/2 ton Chevy truck with the broken leaf spring always seemed to be featured the most prominently..
i started actively parking the junk that i was parting out outside of my shop- but always kept the lawn mowed and looking nice and tidy- and i never heard another peep from anyone about the junk in my yard for the 3 and a half years that i lived there... the most cars i had on the property at one time was 12, the fewest was 4.. i only had room to hide 3 of them in the shop, so the rest stayed outside in plain view.
Look at it this way.
If you don't think there is an shiny happy person in your neighbourhood, it's probably you.
3/2/13 6:15 a.m.
berkeley neighbors. Some good stories in here. I have two myself, but I won't bore you, they're standard-fare, door-in-the-face stuff.