Yes.. that's right.. your old friend Larry Flynt is doing a movie staring a look a like of Sarah Palin...
Premise of the movie has been leaked
"Details have finally come to light with regard to Hustler Video’s wildly anticipated new political satire, “Nailin’ Paylin,” thanks to a new website called TMZ:
1) The feature depicts the Russians “knocking” on one of the vice-presidential candidates’ “back door”;
2) The candidate will engage in a three-way with the secretary of state and the junior U.S. senator from New York; and
3) In a flashback, the would-be veep is schooled in the “big bang” theory by her creationist college professor.""
Info here: (surf links at own risk... <--- script there
Dr. Hess.. Your wet dream has arrived. <--- video script read through... "Gold"!!!!
With the exception of Pirates, this may be the funniest porno ever created.
Not safe for work but funny re-enactment with Richy Gervis
You know what's always impressed me about the adult business (besides the obvious)? This:
From the TMZ article dated October 13:
A pornographic spoof of Sarah Palin was shot this weekend in the San Fernando Valley.
And they're slated to release this weekend. That's two weeks to shoot, edit, post, print, package and distribute an 80-90 minute feature. And do you think it'll make a buck or two?
If I was setting up a "legit" movie production company, I'd interview a lot of my prospects for the production side of things from the porn industry.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
You know what's always impressed me about the adult business (besides the obvious)? This:
From the TMZ article dated October 13:
A pornographic spoof of Sarah Palin was shot this weekend in the San Fernando Valley.
And they're slated to release this weekend. That's two weeks to shoot, edit, post, print, package and distribute an 80-90 minute feature. And do you think it'll make a buck or two?
If I was setting up a "legit" movie production company, I'd interview a lot of my prospects for the production side of things from the porn industry.
that's quicker than y'all put out magazines! Hmmm, I can't wait to meet the new staffers at the '09 Challenge! 
NSFW official Huslter page for this
I'd much rather watch Nailin' Palin than Ridin' Biden...
JG Pasterjak wrote:
You know what's always impressed me about the adult business (besides the obvious)? This:
From the TMZ article dated October 13:
A pornographic spoof of Sarah Palin was shot this weekend in the San Fernando Valley.
And they're slated to release this weekend. That's two weeks to shoot, edit, post, print, package and distribute an 80-90 minute feature. And do you think it'll make a buck or two?
If I was setting up a "legit" movie production company, I'd interview a lot of my prospects for the production side of things from the porn industry.
Seriously, just how difficult could it be to shoot and edit a porn flick? It's not like they have to spend 2 or 3 days just setting up explosions etc. I'd hate to see, say, 'The Green Mile' shot the same way as 'Deep Throat'.
Hmmm... at the same time, it couldn't be that big of a deal. I think I've found my part time job: porn flick producer. 
Hmmm... at the same time, it couldn't be that big of a deal. I think I've found my part time job: porn flick producer.
I'm thinking the end result would be similar to what would happen if you said "I'm going to open a vending business and make millions!" Suddenly, Fat Tony is standing on your doorstep with a baseball bat.
Also, I'm pretty sure shooting p0rn would require moving to California, which I assume would be a dealbreaker fer ya'.
11/4/08 1:25 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
I'm thinking the end result would be similar to what would happen if you said "I'm going to open a vending business and make millions!" Suddenly, Fat Tony is standing on your doorstep with a baseball bat.
From what I understand, not really. It's a pretty on-the-level industry. The problem is, you'll be up against a lot of competition that you'll need to find a way to distinguish yourself from.
On an amusing note, my girlfriend and I were chilling in a hotel the night before a track day. And a documentary series on the porn industry came on. It was HILARIOUS!
At one point, they interviewed a director/producer and showed some footage of him directing a movie. He was staring at a little monitor jumping up and down in his chair shouting encouragement to his actors: "Berkeley her! Berkeley her! Get into it! Hold her leg up! Berkeley her! Yeah!"
The episode we watched discussed a lot about gay/lesbian porn, and how a lot of men who aren't gay will do gay porn because the money is so much better and a lot of women who aren't les will do les porn because, although each scene pays less, they don't get as... worn out... and can do a lot more shoots in a day/week.
poopshovel wrote:
Hmmm... at the same time, it couldn't be that big of a deal. I think I've found my part time job: porn flick producer.
I'm thinking the end result would be similar to what would happen if you said "I'm going to open a vending business and make millions!" Suddenly, Fat Tony is standing on your doorstep with a baseball bat.
Also, I'm pretty sure shooting p0rn would require moving to California, which I assume would be a dealbreaker fer ya'.
For the more conservative porn producer, Arizona also has a thriving adult film industry and is reliably Red state.
Tim Baxter wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
Hmmm... at the same time, it couldn't be that big of a deal. I think I've found my part time job: porn flick producer.
I'm thinking the end result would be similar to what would happen if you said "I'm going to open a vending business and make millions!" Suddenly, Fat Tony is standing on your doorstep with a baseball bat.
Also, I'm pretty sure shooting p0rn would require moving to California, which I assume would be a dealbreaker fer ya'.
For the more conservative porn producer, Arizona also has a thriving adult film industry and is reliably Red state.
Arizona, here I come!
(Pun intended.) Red state, no hurricanes, thriving p0rn industry, plenty of dirt biking, it's sounding better all the time.
11/4/08 1:44 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
Arizona, here I come!
(Pun intended.) Red state, no hurricanes, thriving p0rn industry, plenty of dirt biking, it's sounding better all the time.
Do they have any good road courses though?
Salanis wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
Arizona, here I come!
(Pun intended.) Red state, no hurricanes, thriving p0rn industry, plenty of dirt biking, it's sounding better all the time.
Do they have any good road courses though?
Phoenix? Isn't there one with road racing, drags AND watersports? Maybe that was Vegas, these things happen....
11/4/08 2:06 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
... drags AND watersports? Maybe that was Vegas, these things happen....
Hey, whatever you're into is fine. But you don't need to share it with the rest of us.
Near Phoenix:
There's Arizona Motorsports Park and someplace I never heard of called Firebird Raceway.
Man, this is sounding better and better: make a living in the skin biz and go racing on the profits. Wonder how I should paint the car? Several schemes spring to mind, none with less than an 'R' rating. 
Are you going to star in these movies or produce them?
spitfirebill wrote:
Are you going to star in these movies or produce them?
I want people to watch them and recommend them to their friends as a shining example of how good sex should be done.
So of course I'm gonna star. 
Type Q
11/5/08 12:27 p.m.
Jensenman wrote:
spitfirebill wrote:
Are you going to star in these movies or produce them?
I want people to watch them and recommend them to their friends as a shining example of how good sex should be done.
So of course I'm gonna star.
I hope you look better than your Avatar.
He could do both, isn't that how they do it in Cali?
Type Q
11/5/08 1:48 p.m.
Tha ladeeez call him "THE HAMMER"

BTW, I find the phrase "Nailin' Palin" OFFENSIVE. (joking ferchrissake.)
Type Q wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
Type Q wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
spitfirebill wrote:
Are you going to star in these movies or produce them?
I want people to watch them and recommend them to their friends as a shining example of how good sex should be done.
So of course I'm gonna star.
I hope you look better than your Avatar.
I hope you are actually a girl.
If so, why yes I am much better looking than my avatar.
If not, man my avatar looks GOOD compared to me.
Rest assured I have no interest in you. However, the are some things you just don't want to see. A bug-eyed, buck-toothed scrawney dude with a hairy tail is one of them.
Thats true no matter how attractive the other people is a scene may be.
[butchery of a song I heard long ago]
My girlfriends don't know what I see in him,
His breath is sorta bad,
His eyes sit too close together and
His wallet is flat.
When they ask me I just say,
He's got a really big trouser trout.
[/song butchery]